Anderson/Hatgidakis/Nelson/Metcalf: Newsletter

Old news: June 2009

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Hey, it's official: He's now Senator Al Franken! Everyone should send an email to Bill O'Reilly urging him to book Senator Al Franken as a guest. :-) And on the other side, Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow will be good tonight.

Of course, more likely Fox will announce the news this way: "Al Franken (R) defeats Norm Coleman (D)." You probably heard they were up to their old tricks again when the Mark Sanford news broke? Check this screenshot:

Anyway, congratulations to Minnesota and to Al Franken. The court also ruled that Norm Coleman has to pay the court costs -- $95,000, to date.

Those of you who are going to see Daniel Lawrence Whitney this weekend (better known as Larry the Cable Guy) should have nice weather for it. We're going to get repeats of the beautiful day we're enjoying right now all through next week. At showtime on Saturday night it is expected to be partly cloudy and in the lower 80s.

In other UN-L news, the Whittier renovation is really coming along. Almost all the windows have been replaced, which has really sharpened the look of the building. And the big open space in front (i.e., the playground) is all torn up and muddy as a crew of welldiggers are sinking 233 separate 300-foot-deep holes -- for the new geothermal heating and cooling system. See the complete story (plus a photo) here.

Attention Eyes of the World fans: Just FYI, I was in the neighborhood just now and saw that the store is officially gone -- completely cleaned out and vacant, no signs, nothing. Looks weird!

Also, I forgot to mention it last time we discussed it on this page, but the EOTW staff person I spoke with back then suggested that anyone who wants to be in the loop for news about the new store opening (whenever that may be) should get on their mailing list. Do this by sending a note to

On an unrelated note, I see that now for the first time since Colorado was a Territory more than a century ago, it is now legal to catch a raindrop or snowflake in that state. Until a few days ago, when this law was changed, it was illegal to own a rainbarrel or any other "catchment" device for trapping rain or snow-melt. Colorado is a water-poor state, so the lawmakers back then decreed that the falling rain and snow was public property, and as such was intended to roll off your house, go into the gutters, into the drains, into the creeks, and then into the reservoirs. At which point, I assume, the state would sell it back to you. Several other western desert states, like Arizona and Utah, still make it illegal to catch rainwater. More on this here.

Crazy & sad day..... Farrah Fawcett, all I can think of is Ryan O'Neal saying just a few days ago that they were going to get married as soon as she felt up to saying I do. Bet they didn't get the chance. Cancer is an ugly horrible thing. And Michael Jackson, I had lots of posters of him, one I'll never forget for some reason, he was wearing this yellow sweater and was oh so cute. He did get strange in his older days, but Thriller? Billy Jean? Can't beat it. Oh, and Beat it! We were at the waterpark all day & I got the news first, shortly after everyone's cell phones went crazy with the news. Heart attacks are my new worst enemy as well. Besides grandpa, i've never really been affected by them. Then the perfectly healthy 49 year old investigator I knew who died unexpectedly last fall really brought it all home for me. I can honestly say it's because of him that I took a day of vacation today to go to the waterpark. I really realized how short life can be when he died. He had 2 kids, 17 & 14. Anyway, wow. Sad stuff, we really had a great day, though I'm fried!
Somebody on TV just now said something wise about Michael Jackson: "He never learned how to be an adult, and he never got to be a child." Whatever else happened in that poor guy's life, and whatever opinions people may have of him, you have to admit that he had a style that hadn't been seen before and hasn't been seen since. I wasn't watching much TV in 1983 but for some reason I did find myself watching the "Motown 25" special, which commemorated Motown's 25th anniversary. There was the expected parade of old Motown artists doing their hit songs, and then they introduced Michael Jackson. Even though he'd done a handful of solo albums by this time, not many people then knew him apart from The Jackson Five. And as expected he did a short solo medley of some of the Jackson Five songs we all knew. Then he stopped and said something like, "Those are great songs -- but this is the kind of music I like now." And then he did this:

When he does that brief moonwalk (at minute 3:40 above), you can hear people in the audience shriek like he'd just done a magic trick. I know my jaw dropped when I saw it. Here's an even more evolved example of it:

Nobody like him.

I was just looking at the new pictures again and realized that in the context of the head bump story, that last picture of Teghan kind of looks like she's crying. What is actually happening there is this: I was lining up the shot, and she said she wanted to pretend she was laughing at something in the book. :-)

P.S. Weird three days, no? First Mark Sanford "hiking the Appalachian Trail," then Farrah Fawcett, and now Michael Jackson. Whew!

More photos from yesterday!
I don't know the Hatgidakis dates for sure, but I think I heard they are arriving on the 2nd and going back on the 8th. Anyone have better info?

Yeah, the person in the office next to mine had her grandkids here for about two hours yesterday afternoon. She had to watch them while their mom (her daughter) went to a funeral, so rather than take the afternoon off (and inspired, she said, by my having Tristen and Teghan over in the past) she had them dropped off here. Two twin girls about 5 and one boy about 3. Tristen and Teghan were great with them, and those little kids were shrieking with laughter the whole time they were here.

The headbump: Not another Chair Incident, but for a moment there we all thought...uh-oh! At the moment it happened, everybody was in my office including the grandma and three other kids. Teghan was looking at something on my computer screen so she was kind of sitting on my knee, and all of a sudden (I still don't know how this happened) her head was moving down and she whacked my desktop with her brow on the same exact spot as the Chair Incident. No blood, no bruise, no bump (unless one developed later...?) and she was laughing five minutes later, but jeez! If this was a daycare, they'd be pulling my license!

Hey Gary thanks for letting the girls hang with you yesterday, they had a blast! I heard there was another minor head injury for Teghan, what's up with her?! I also heard there were other kids in the office, I asked them if you actually worked at a daycare, but said it was an office to make yourself sound cool. The girls were offended and said, no, it's NOT a daycare. Today I took off work & we're going to the Grand Island waterpark with some other dancers & their parents. Should be fun. What are the Hatgidakis dates?
We just now had our afternoon snack of Lunchables. Choice of Pepperoni pizza (not bad, tastes like a cold pizza) or crackers/turkey/cheese. Also a bottle of water with tropical punch mix to add if you wish (we did). And for dessert, cherry Air Heads. T & t love them, but I am not a fan.

Since lunch, we have been playing with the camera on my computer taking funny pictures. We'll be winding things up in about an hour and a half. Fun day!

Nice pictures girls! I haven't even had lunch yet so the ice cream pictures look delish!

Oh my gosh, you must be starving! --Tristen

New photos, hot off the press!
Well, it looks like Brent will stay in the hospital for another day or two. Poor guy had a tough night. As soon as I walked in his room this morning, I knew he wouldn't be home today. We think he is having a bad reaction to one of his medications. So the doctor stopped that one immediately. Now he has to recover from this last edisode and hopefully be home tomorrow, but waiting, waiting.....

Feel better, Brent! --Gary

Tristen and Teghan
Tristen: We just went to the library and saw the new furniture. We're being SAFE! :-)

Teghan: Hello, Mom, we're just at work playing with the laser pointer. We're going to play a trick on Rasma and Rob.

Rob and Rasma both have offices down the hall. --Gary

Have a good day at the office Tristen & Teghan! Get lots of work done!
Jury duty is over for me (for at least two years). The judge asked if anyone would have a hardship to serve on a trial for the next three days. I raised my hand, judge asked what my hardship was. I told him my husband was in the hospital. He then said I take by your answer you would rather be with him, I answered I would, they all had a sidebar and I was excused!! So now I am heading back to the hospital.
I'm happy Brent is feeling better, what a lousy start to summer. Thank God for A.C. Being sick is bad enough but having to deal with hot and HUMID also is a double blow. Am wondering if you get a case today, Karen, isn't today the last day of your duty too? The best laid plans etc.!

Have the crockpot out for supper, nothing in the oven today, probably could bake something on the deck tho'.

Paul put new steps on the deck and put a couple solar lights on the stair posts and they are surely bright. Hope your day goes well, everyone!!

I was going to ask about Brent, but you beat me to it. Wow, if I was going in for jury duty this morning, I think I might casually reveal the fact that my spouse was in the hospital....

I will be bringing in two office assistants tomorrow, namely Tristen and Teghan. We will keep you up-to-date on the fun via this page.

Another dangerously hot day here today, so be cool, everybody!

P.S.: Today's picture of Lyndon Johnson might be my favorite picture of any President, ever. :-)

Brent is doing much better today. Already been up to the hospital to see him. Seemed to have a good night. Yesterday the doctor was very concerned that he was having heart trouble, but all the tests came back negative on that, so good news. Poor guy has a raging infection, and it's going to take awhile to kill all the germs, but the medicines seem to be helping. Both doctors have already been in to see him today. Said he is doing much better, but stay in for another 24 hours so they can make sure that the infection is better before going home. On a side note, I am about to head to the courthouse. If I didn't have enough to deal with I also have to start jury duty this morning. Argggg.....
Well, Brent was doing better, but not at all well today. He made it back to the office on Friday (but was sent home after a few hours).

Seemed to be doing better this week-end. Then sometime last night it hit him again. Thought we would wait until the doctors office opened, but soon changed our minds. So about 8 I took him back to the ER. The dr said this time he should stay a day or two so they can find the infection and hopefully treat it.


Downpour here this Monday morning! I was just ready to go to my car when suddenly it got black as night outside. I went to the window and saw big black clouds racing in from the west. (Weather guy said the storm was moving at more than 30 mph.) I waited it out -- about fifteen minutes -- then went to my car and drove to work in sunshine under blue skies. Weird. And with 95+ predicted for this afternoon, all this rain will turn to steamy humidity.... Stay inside, everybody!

How is Brent doing today? Hope he is feeling a whole lot better. We just got a downpour... looks like everyone has had some rainy days. Thankfully we are catching up on some much needed rain.

Wow, big thunderstorm moving through this morning. Brent is getting better, but still home today.

I saw on the news this morning a tornado did quite a bit of damage in Aurora, NE last night. --Gary

Brent, I'm hoping you are much better today. You aren't supposed to get pneumonia in the summer!! [or any other time] Really warm already this a.m. and it may keep me inside today. Livy and T. and t. were here yesterday and we had a fun day. They had an outdoor restaurant -- "The Green Garden" -- among other stuff.
If you are a fan of the webcam pages, be advised of a few small changes. A couple of the cams on the World page were no longer working, so I replaced them -- with a couple of very cool cams. One of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, and the other of St Peter's Square in Rome. Both can be enlarged by clicking on them.
Wow, sorry to hear about Brent. Hope you're feeling better, Brent.
Poor Brent had a tough day today. Woke up this morning feeling lousy -- tired and very achy. Thought he must be getting the flu and stayed home. Just kept getting worse through the day, about 3 he said he was having trouble breathing and some chest pain. So we headed up to the emergency room. Got to the ER and said he was having chest pains -- he got RIGHT in and hooked up to the monitors. After a few minutes the doctor said his heart was fine -- so they started lots of other tests. Four hours later -- the doctor said tests were done and he had pneunomia. So he got some meds through his IV before he left and was beginning to feel a little better. Got him home and he went right to bed, which is where he'll be staying for a couple of days......

Dang! Get well soon, Brent! --Gary

Hey, new pictures! Over the weekend Amanda sent in some photos of their landscaping project. Sorry I took so long to get them up on the page, but anyway they're here now. You guys have been working! :-)
Tristen & Teghan

Happy Birthday Grandpa!
Ryan & Amanda

Happy Birthday Dad!

Happy Birthday Paul
I enjoyed the pictures of Gma's garden, what a pretty spot! The stained glass on the front porch looks gorgeous. I have been a lazy slug and have not painted or remodeled anything! I did get a new push lawnmower and have been keeping the grass neat and tidy with it. When did you get a rain barrel Mom? I think it would be great to have one of those. Teghan, great picture of your feet! Zach is over tonight and we are going to make a veggie pizza and a chicken alfredo pizza, Klondike heath bars for dessert.

Yum. Does Zach deliver? --Gary


Happy Birthday, Paul!!
The Hatgidakis Family

Happy Birthday Paul!!!!!
Teghan seems to be quite pleased with her dirty feet. ;-)

Thanks for letting me know about Campbell's. Mom, want to go to Campbell's this afternoon?

So the park by us has this super cool squishy black stuff instead of rock. It’s recycled tires Ryan says. Super soft, super safe. SUPER MESSY! OMG! Teghan is not supposed to wear flip flops there, but when she does, this is what she comes home looking like. We had to SCRUB her feet. Grr.... Welcome to summer!
The painting is done! Finished it this afternoon. Glad to have it done. Have everything hung up and put away.
Campbell's Nursery right now all hanging baskets 1/2 off! We just got a huge one for $10! Also all annuals buy one get one free, trees 20% off. I think through the weekend.
The pictures Gary took in the yard are pretty much just what they are, the little red chair we picked up by someone's garbage and Donna made the little landscape within the daisies on a bare spot. I like it a lot but the recent rain took its toll. I think the front porch was looking kinda worn out so we painted the swing and again Donna made the cushion for it and made stained glass for a really tired old window frame, then we hung a birdcage to balance it and this weekend it was furnished and rented out to fairies! Courtesy of T. and t. The old Adirondak is still waiting for inspiration. Amanda, I am interested in a grill but who knows where or when? And nope, haven't been to Farmer's Market yet either. Karen, are you done painting? I have a bench to finish, but I will do anything else first. Did get the back door painted, and I like that. Otherwise, it is pruning every day and no end in sight. Any jury duty yet? Paul, the rain barrel is running over and that was from the very first rain!! I was so pleased.
Grandma, we bought a grill. Used it last night, kind of a long story of where we got it & what kind it is... I'll tell you sometime. Have you thought anymore of getting one? Need a ride, or advice, or Ryan to put one together? Or all the above?
Well, I am back in the civilized world, or maybe not. Anyway, Time Warner was just here and said the modem ? the thing on top of computer was shot and put on a new one! Everthing seems to work.
OK, another random question. Has anyone been to the haymarket Farmer's Market yet this year? I haven't made it yet & I don't know when I will. My friend Amber wants a marshmallow shooter for her son who is the same age as Teghan. She can't find anything that's decent. I know a guy used to sell them there. If you've been & if you've seen them this year, let me know!
Thanks for the EOTW update Gary, I rarely get over there but if I hadn't found out about the frames I would have gone crazy thinking about it. Union college area, interesting. We were just there, a store we love, Pixi Chix, just opened there. They do the do-it-yourself clothes with the cute fabric cut out letters. Tonight we were there & the owner loved Teghan & gave her & T all kinds of free stuff & helped Teghan design her tank top. Pictures to come of the shirts each girl designed!
Eyes of the World update: I stopped at Open Harvest on the way home tonight, and then went next door to Eyes of the World to see what was going on. Lots of room there now -- a lot of their stock has already been sold. Everything seemed to be 50% off or more. I did see lots of picture frames, but no magnetic ones. Quite a few plush toys and stuffed animals. Everything else looked pretty thin. I grabbed ten votive candles (at $1 each), but there were only two flavors left. Be advised it's cash or check only -- no plastic. The store will be open until they run out of merchandise or June 30, whichever comes first. On July 1, workers will start converting the space for Open Harvest to expand. I asked the Eyes of the World lady (she seemed to be the owner) if they were going to re-open elsewhere. She said she personally was not, but her store partner very likely will re-open the store. She said the partner was already checking out storefronts, mostly in the Union College area. Also, I asked the Open Harvest people if they would be closed at any time for the process, and they said one day only -- probably in October -- when the wall between the two spaces will be taken out.
Gary you could use those pictures as front page pictures & fill up a whole week. It could be called chair week.

Ha! I didn't notice there was a theme! :-) --Gary

These are some shots I took at Grandma's last night. I'm hoping she will provide details once she's back online!
Hey, if anyone needs to contact Grandma in the next couple of days, be advised that her phone is out, and won't be fixed until sometime Thursday. She gets her phone and internet via cable along with her TV. TV is working fine, oddly, but internet and phone are out. Repair guy is scheduled for Thursday. I left my cellphone with her in case she needs to make a call; and if you absolutely need to contact her, use my cellphone number on our Double Secret Contact Page. But be cool -- the phone had a low charge on it, and I didn't have my charger along.
Eyes of the World is closing???? Noooooooooo. Love that shop.

I don't know why we haven't posted this before, but here's their site. No mention here of their closing, but it is coming. --Gary

Nice cool site today. Emily hasn't been to Coldstone for the past three days. She and a couple of friends went to Omaha and Columbus for the week-end. Just realized we never sent in Erikas pictures from the recital, have to get busy on that. Tristen and Teghan have you had your recital yet? Got all the paint and supplies yesterday so now I have to get going on the painting this week.
Donna, do you know if Eyes of the World is closed now? i'm looking for a magnetic photo frame, Grandma gave one to Tristen & Liv for Christmas a few years ago. I've been getting them for birthday gifts for the T's friends lately, but I get them at "Sweeties Gifts & Candy Shop" but they're closing too. They don't have any frames left, but lots of magnets & they're 1/2 off, I'd like to stock up...

Donna will know better than I, but I did drive past the place last night and they still have a sign out saying "closing soon" and "everything must go" and such. --Gary

Do you all remember where you were 20 years ago today when this happened? (Read the story here.)
Great pictures! You can't not smile when you look at that picture of Teghan.
Tristen, Teghan and Olivia enjoy your summer! I hadn't realized that you were still going to school. Donna -- I got your card yesterday -- Thanks! I love the K -- looking for a good spot to put it in. I watched the Obama White House special -- very interesting, I see that the bloopers is tomorrow night. Also watched part of Will Ferrell Man vs the Wild. Had an early morning the next day so only saw the first part, but I assume he made it out. Still no jury duty for me. I was all prepared to go Tuesday, but there was some kind of a mix up, so now I am to go on the 23rd.
Thanks for the photos, Amanda -- they're a great kick-off for summer.

Part 2 of "Inside the Obama White House" was on last night. If you missed it, or want to see it again, you can do so here. (There's also some out-take footage that was not seen on air.)

Did anybody catch Obama's historic speech from Cairo this morning? I just happened to wake up early this morning, and when I flipped on the TV there it was. It was amazing -- really felt like the beginning of a new era. Here's the President of the United States speaking before a large Muslim audience, and -- rather than having shoes thrown at him -- the crowd is applauding (at least twenty times during the speech) and shouting "We love you!" He quoted the Koran, and the Talmud, and the Bible. That hasn't been done for eight years, at least.... He acknowledged that Iraq was "a war of choice" (wow!) and promised that all combat troops will be out of Iraq by August. (He said "next August" so does he mean two months from now, or fourteen months from now...? I remember Seinfeld tackled this problem....) Anyway, a very powerful speech, given the setting, and you can read the full text here. Or, if you have 55 minutes, you can watch the whole thing:

And to see a series of photos of people watching the speech, go here.

UPDATE: The "full text" I linked to above doesn't seem to be all that full. I looked unsuccessfully for Obama's remark (at approximately minute 34 in the video) that in the past the United States overthrew a democratically-elected government in Iran (Mossadegh) and installed our own ruler (the Shah Pahlavi). Obama said, truthfully, "this history is well-known." But it's well-known only in the Muslim world, unfortunately, and not well-known in America. I wonder why MSNBC didn't include that paragraph.... This shameful act was back in the '50s, under Eisenhower, and is one of the root causes of Iran's on-going hostility toward us. I don't think any American President has ever said anything even close to that before now -- in public, at least.

With respect to the last day of school Thursday.... I thought these pictures say it all! School's out for summer!

Is this not a face that says bring it on? :-)

More TV news: If you missed last night's "Inside the Obama White House," you can see the whole thing here (divided into 6 clips). And part two is on tonight (on NBC). A really interesting show!
Thanks for the birthday wishes. It's been a good day. Picked up Brent for lunch and getting pizzas for supper -- so easy day for me. Marsha -- thank you for the box! The candy is delicious and quickly disappearing, the towel is very pretty -- can always use a new one. Mom -- I got your card today -- thanks -- now I'll have to go shopping :)
Hey, if you woke up this morning thinking "I need me some more Will Ferrell in my life," then you, my friend, are in luck. Not only is Ferrell the guest tonight on the very first Conan O'Brien "Tonight Show," and not only is he appearing tomorrow night on Discovery Channel's "Man vs. Wild" (which I guarantee will be the highest-rated episode of that show ever), but Ferrell also appears with SNL's Andy Samberg in this excellent music video from the MTV Music Awards. Check out "Cool Guys Don't Look at Explosions."

Happy birthday, Karen!
Ryan, Amanda, Tristen & Teghan

Happy Birthday Karen!
Emily & Erika

Happy Birthday Mom!!!