Anderson/Hatgidakis/Nelson/Metcalf: Newsletter

Old news: June 2004

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Hey, I'm around. I've just been really busy at work and barely time to keep up with reading the newsletter. Then when I've had the time to write, I didn't just want to comment on the last thing written because I should have said something about several other earlier notes, and that would have sounded goofy and would have take awhile to write so I just haven't said anything. I'll try to do better from now on. ;-)

Hatgidakis family
Hey Paul, Lori, Linz, Livy and anyone else is coming we are planning on meet around 11 and 12 at Hickory Park in Ames. See you there :)
Wow Nelsons, your dining room looks great! Paul, Lindsey, and Livey are doing a great job on the pool/patio. You guys make my closet shelves look second rate!!!! Ha Ha Ha. We had a fun time with Sean. As soon as he left I told Amanda I wish it was a couple more days until he left. I have to go run a mile and a half for our Squadron Fun Run. What a GREAT name for physical exercise!!!! It starts at 10:00 tonight because I'm on mids from 11 to 7 in the morning. Got to get ready, hope there are no more ladder incidents! Be Safe.
More projects photos -- from Sioux City.
Okie dokie. Well we left on Sunday and caught our flight to Memphis,TN. Then we stayed there for a little while. Then we caught our flight to Orlando, FL. We got in to our hotel at about 12:30. Then on our first day we had a character breakfast. That was really cute and fun. Then after that we went to Magic Kingdom. That park had all the Disney movie rides. That was fun. We had an early morning and late night that day. Then on our second day we went to Epcot. That has like all the different countries. It was so cool and fun, it was my favorite park. I didnt really think I would like it to much but its way better than it sounds. That night we stayed late and saw a really awesome firework show. On our third day we went to Clearwater Beach and that was really nice. We slept in late and just went to the beach all day. I got really sunburned but its now turning brown. We stayed out there all day and just went swimming. Then on our forth day we went to Animal Kingdom. It was really pretty and there were so many animals there. It was a lot smaller than the other parks so we were there for about half a day then went back to our hotel and went swimming. The whole time that we were there it was really hot and humid. Then on our last day we went to MGM Studios. That was SO fun. I went on a lot of rides and went shopping. We did the Rock'N'Roller Coaster and Tower of Terror. Pete was screaming more than me, it was really funny. Then later that night we had an Aloha Dinner. That was a dinner of all Hawaiian foods and there were shows like hawaiian dancers, songs and a flame throwing guy. That dinner was so yummy and really cool. But it got rained out so they had to end it early. Then the next morning we got up at 4:00 am. We caught our flight to Memphis and then waited again for our next plane then I came home. I had a really good time!
Karen, thanks for mailing it, you could have left it in Lincoln, we would have gotten it sometime soon. I was reading the reviews, looking for Gary's Fahrenheit 9/11 review, where is it? It didn't open here this weekend, had to go to Dallas to see it. Anyhow, I already have too much on my plate as it is, I can't afford to get worked up over a movie and politics right now. I'm too young for that statement! I was reading Lindseys review of 50 first dates and was reminded of someone who the webpage hasn't heard from in a long time, Donna, where did she go? Is the new Gallup office without computers?

I will address your first question only, and the answer is: I haven't written a review of Fahrenheit 9/11 because I haven't seen it yet! It is showing in one theater here in town -- the Mary Riepma Ross Theater here on the campus -- and the first weekend's shows were all sold out. Before it opened I called the Douglas Theater chain trying to find out where it would be showing. The lady I spoke with said, "We have no plans to show that movie." I said, "You've got 'Garfield' showing in four theaters around town, and this movie you're not showing at all?!?" She said, "Try the campus theater." I did, and found it was sold out. So maybe next weekend! --Gary

Amanda, the candle you ordered from Emily is in! I just put it in the mail -- should be getting it soon. Mom, do you want me to mail yours or wait until the next time we see you?
The dining room is finished (except for hanging pictures). It looks so nice and clean. Think I will wait a week until I start on the living room. Pictures to come soon.....
Sean, what kind of car did you get?
Anna, I want more details of your trip once you are rested.
Lindsey just now sent me links to several articles on "Fahrenheit 9/11." Here's one from MTV News which details some of the points Moore makes in the film; also from the MTV site is this review, and here's Madonna urging her fans to see the movie. Thanks, Lindsey!
Yeah, you should hit the ladder company with a lawsuit, Karen, and then they'd have to put "Not the Bottom Rung" on the third step of every ladder. You'd be famous, like the McDonald's hot coffee person!

Looking forward to seeing Sean's new car, and the finished pool. (Good pictures, Lindsey!) Also looking forward to seeing Sam and Anna this weekend. And the 4th! Woo-hoo!

So, what's in the news? The U.S. handed over the Iraqi government this morning, so now at last THAT problem is solved! I'm sure we'll never have any more trouble from that part of the world again.... Okay, I was being sarcastic, in case you couldn't tell. Actually, we have 160,000 troops over there right now, and they're not budging. In fact, a few days ago that lying son-of-a- Bush said he was going to increase the number of troops in Iraq by 15,000. I know most of you are too young to remember Vietnam, but I had a little flashback!

Much more hopeful was the news that "Fahrenheit 9/11" made history on the weekend. It earned $22 million in its first three days, which makes it now the #1 movie in America! That's a first for a documentary film. And it is especially significant in that it's only showing in about a third as many theaters (thanks to right-wing corporate censorship) as any other first-run movie. And even though it may hurt ticket sales, Michael Moore plans to bring it out on DVD in just a few months, so that everyone has a chance to see it before the election. Which is great. I hope they include one free in every box of Cheerios!

We had a good weekend too. No crashing off ladders or finding old drugs, or even laying bricks (but that looks great by the way!) Sean got here Saturday night and him and Ryan worked on Sean's new car all night. Sunday we slept til 9 or so, then they did a little more work on the car and in the afternoon Tristen went to a birthday party at Castaway Cove, the waterpark. We went out there a little later, the family was paying for the kids families to come too, so we went there for about 4 hours. It was fun! 4 slides, wave pool, the river deal with currents, and a nice sized kids area. We all got some sun. Teghan was SO tired! No pictures though, we left in a hurry and I forgot to grab the camera. Sean's car is nice!! We are joking that its a grandpa car, and indeed Grandpa would be proud. It is very comfortable and in the best condition I have ever seen for a 10 year old car. Sean seems very happy with it. He will be leaving here soon, no later than 8:30 I would say, I wish I could track his driving like I did his plane! Back to the grind for me, I am in my 4th week of classes, which is like the 14th of regular semester. I go next week and have my two finals on Thursday for this summer 1 term. Then I start new classes on July 12th. Anyway, that's our story!
Hey everybody I am home now!! I am kinda glad though because I am SO tired. I had the BEST time! We were ALWAYS on the go. On Saturday I didnt get to bed that night till about 11:30 and then we had to wake up at 4:00am!! I slept on the first flight but on the second I didnt. Then that night we had Pete's family (who I went with on the trip) over to dinner. Today I woke up at 1:00. I am still in my pj's. Ill have a lot of pictures to show you guys. I CANT WAIT TILL I COME DOWN!
New projects pictures!
Well the painting project is still ongoing. Yesterday I stained all the woodwork and crown molding in the dinning room and hallway. Last night I started to paint the dinning room -- it's a yellow "Southern Exposure." I was painting last night, on about the third rung of the ladder, then I stepped off (thinking that I was on the bottom rung). I went crashing across the floor and bounced a couple of times. Landed on my back, elbow and wrist, just missed cracking my head on the opposite wall. Needless to say, I was finished for the night. No real damage this morning, just stiff and sore. This morning Erika was cleaning out the linen closet so we could paint the inside of that too. While she was taking things out she notice something wedged way in a small hole of the shelf. She dug it out and it was a bottle of prescription pills from 1970! That's all of our news for now. Hope to have pictures of the completed project tomorrow.
For the 4th, we're gonna have a little thing at Grandma's. I think in the morning me, Sam, and Anna, and Livy will go get fireworks with my Dad and then later I think for dinner we are all going to go over to Grandma's and Donna and Gary will be there (I'm pretty sure) and then we are just going to eat and then do the fireworks once it gets dark. Hoping for a nice evening to watch them!
We started painting the dining room and living room last night. Mom stained all the woodwork, and now she is painting the dining room. The dining room is going to be a light yellow/orange color, and the living room is going to be kind of a blue/grey. They are both really pretty. I've been taking lots of pictures! So, I'll try to get them up soon!
Hey everybody. Well I had my LAST carwash yesterday! I am very glad that they are done now. It wasn't quite as busy as last week, but there were still a lot of cars. It was pretty nice too, until about 1:30, when it started to rain a little, so we got to leave at 2:00.

Whats everyone planning on doing for the 4th? We probably wont do much, since nothing is legal here!!

Hey everyone! Worked really hard and all day in the backyard on the patio in our backyard. We hauled over 400 bricks from Menards to home to our backyard! Man my back is sore now. I also finished my dresser today too so we got that put in my room tonight. Looks good and I will get pictures of both soon.
No, its 136! The first one to Denver was 791!

??? When I checked it, 791 was on its way to Portland after stopping in Denver. So then I found a #768 leaving Denver for DFW at 10:25 -- figured that was his flight... I hope this was all more clear to Sean! :-) --Gary

This is so cool, go to this site and track Sean's flight and it shows you how fast the jet is going, where they are at etc... His flight number is 791. He just landed in Denver though, and won't take off again until 10 something for Dallas. Actually, I guess there was no announcement on here about him coming. Grandma and Dad's knew I guess. Anyhow, its a cool deal to track it while they are in flight! Gotta do it between 11-1:30 today only!

After Denver, it looks like the Denver-Dallas flight number is 768. (Type the number into the Flight Status box.) Pretty cool indeed! --Gary

Hatgidakis Family
Congratulations Ryan!!!!!
Hey everybody, today was my last day of dance camp. During our first class I got an All Star Performer ribbon! That was really cool, then my team got the Grand Champion award for our military routine. And my squad also got the 110 percent Spirit award. I only have 3 more days of dance squad next week, then we will be done until August.
We are having another carwash for cheerleading and dance tomorrow, I'll have to be there from 8 to 4 again, hopefully I dont get so sunburned this time!!
Its been really nice here too, it doesn't seem like its almost July already!
Just had to note here for posterity that the weather today was unbelievably perfect! Clear blue sky, 70ish, a nice breeze -- there's not a thing you could tweak to make it better. Here we are nine days from the 4th of July, and I had to get up last night and close the windows because it was too chilly! I know I'm on record for having badmouthed summer (a lot!), but this summer -- so far -- is really making up for all the miserable ones....

And most everybody seems to be having a great summer, too: Anna in DisneyWorld, Emily's dance awards, Erika's fun in the Secret-Room Museum, Ryan's promotion, Lindsey and Livy getting to clean out Grandma's fridge... Good times for all!

Paul, Lori, Lindsey, Olivia
Congratulations Ryan!
So does this new rank mean you have to do anything differently or will you still be doing your same job, just with a raise?
Congratulations Ryan!!
Congratulations Ryan!
A big congratulations to Ryan, he made his next rank! He will sew on the stripes that signify E-6 sometime next year. He took the test for it in February and just found out today that he made it. Out of the Air Force 45,000 people take the test for Tech Sgt. and about 9,000 people made it. Ryan won't sew on the stripes until about a year from now because he has risen in the ranks so quickly. Most people don't sew on Tech until they have been in for about 12 years, Ryan will hit 7 next week. Also, Ryan took this test once before, but didn't pass last year, he took it for the 2nd time this year, most people take the test 4-5 times before they make it. It's bittersweet though, because he will enjoy the new rank and extra (more than any other raise) pay for only a year before he gets out.
Hey everybody, we had individual evaluations at my dance camp today, I got an Excellent ribbon for our lyrical routine, and a Superior ribbon for our hip hop routine! They were both really fun to do.
I wish I could come down to Lincoln too! But by then I'll be in drivers ed. and we can only miss 2 classes or we fail the class, and I'm already going to be missing one when we go to Des Moines for mayors youth comission, but Im sure Anna and Sam will have lots of fun!
Thanks to everyone for the condolences for Penny. I really miss her a lot. We sure have a lot of dancers in the family, maybe you will form a troupe like the family in "The Sound of Music." It's nice you enjoy it because it sounds like lotsa work to me. Everyone is keeping busy this summer so far. Bet Anna is having fun, be happy to see you in a week or so Sam and Anna, how about Emily and Erika coming along? I highly recommend Linz and Livy if you need your fridge cleaned. What a good job!! Almost have the hedge trimmed, but ran out of garbage pails and it is too chilly this p.m. anyway. Doubt if it is out of the 60's with a very light rain. Love it! Tristen, I am loving your dollhouse, I bought a kitchen set and a grandfather's clock and a coffee table and a dog house so far, o.k.? I am being very careful with the bathroom fixtures. Marsha, I only cleaned out the gutter that runs in front of the garage, can reach it with a stepladder so wasn't bad, Sean had cleaned out the rest but this was hidden in the vines. Going to make a cup of tea and close some windows.
I know how it can be for dance because there were times we had to be there dancing from like 9:00 to 5:00 and it gets tiring! But it's all really fun. I finished my dance camp and sort of glad that's over. I had it every night during the week. But now they want me to do a month of dance like 3 nights a week all through July and with Sam and Anna here I'm not sure if I will do it because I kind of want to take the summer off after just getting through with all my competition stuff!
Marsha -- no, I dont dance for 8 hours every day, just Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday this week for our camp. Usually its just from 7:30-10.
Erika, your job at the museum sounds so cool; Emily do you really dance for 8 hours every day? Wow! I sure would like that fridge cleaning crew to come to my kitchen. It's really quiet here, Sam is babysitting and Anna is in Florida (that is how I am able to use the computer at 9 o'clock). I just picked up my new glasses, so I am trying to adjust to them, so far, so good. I am very envious of the Metcalf's new storage space. Looks good. Gary, ask Livi to bring you back a sundae, I'm betting she wouldn't eat any all the way back (Well, maybe you should ask Lindsey.) Mom, you should also retire from cleaning out gutters.
Hey everybody, well I had my first day of dance camp today. It was a long day, 8-4:30, but it was still a lot of fun! There were about 15 teams there. First we just did this warm up and stretched out together, then we broke up into different levels and learned a hip-hop/funk routine until lunch. Then we had a jazz/ballet technique class. Last thing we did was show our team's routines. My squad did a hoopla, and on friday we're doing a military.
Tomorrow we'll have 2 more classes where we will learn routines for military and lyrical, and then we will have our individual evaluations and awards.
On Friday we will have another 2 more classes where we will learn a jazz routine and a prop/novelty and high kick routine. And then we will have perform our military and have team evaluations and awards. It should be fun, and cooler!
We're still not sure if we will be going to Ames, Saturday in the Park is that same day, but I dont know, maybe, we'll see...
Hey everyone, just an update from Grandma's house. Gary came over for lunch and then me, Grandma, and Livy cleaned out Grandma's refridgerator and freezer. Then we pulled it out and cleaned behind it and washed down the whole fridge and went through all her food and organized it and it just looks really nice now. Glad to have that done. Then this morning Grandma cleaned out one of the gutters on her garage that were overflowing and she picked up the rest of the hedge trimmings. She's almost done with all her hedges and they look really nice. Well not much other news, talk to everyone later. Hey Erika are you thinking about coming down for a week like you did last summer? Livy sure would be happy to have someone to play with again! Hope you have fun with your volunteer work!
I volunteered at the museum today. It was kinda fun it was a blue's clues class. It is like the show only there are 4 clues instead of 3 they are hidden on 3 floors. I also like think the museum is pretty cool too. it is an old house with lots hidden room. I think I know about all I've been two 7 hidden rooms. Anyway the class was 4 4-5 year olds, but there was a 2 and 6 year old. The 4 clues were fans so our craft was a little hand fan so we colored little hand fans that someone made. We also had handy dandy notebooks. Theresa (the person in charge) showed me and katie (the other volenteer) A secret room today behind a manican wearing indian clothes inside there is a big stain glass window and a flag with a circle of stars.
Hey everybody! Me and Livy are at Grandma's today with Ceaser. Actually we came over last night and had dinner. She made spaghetti and meatballs and it was GOOD!! But not doing much today. Umm....don't know much other news. Can't wait to see you guys in Ames! I'm already looking at the menu!
Amanda what are you talking about the states?? I don't understand :)

I'll field this one! Amanda referred to an "amazing fact" that I put on this morning's crawl -- the little tickertape that runs along the bottom of the front page. If you're not seeing it, it's because you don't have Java enabled on your browser (which is Internet Explorer, I'm assuming). For instructions on turning it on (which will not only let you see the crawl but let you see lots of other cool things on the internet), go here. And if you have any questions about it, let me know! Today's crawl, by the way, is this: "AMAZING FACT: A recent poll showed that more than 70% of New Yorkers could not name the only state in the U.S. that ends with the letter 'k'.... can you...?" --Gary

Erika is about to go the museum, volunteering for a Blues Clues class. Emily is at her first day of dance camp. Started at 8 and should be over about 4, goes for the rest of the week. Brent is back to work, went in half days Monday and Tuesday, hoping to make it all day today.

For you luckies who are going to Hickory Park (on July 3, I think?), here's a map and their menu. Please bring me back a BBQ pork sandwich, potato salad, and a black-and-white sundae. Thank you.
Oh my gosh. I couldn't think of the state, I named them all in my head, even the state that ends with K! What's up with that? I've heard of something like this before.. Sheesh, that's a brain teaser! I won't give it away to those of you listing all 50 right now.

Yeah, it's difficult even with the name staring you in the face.... I tried it out last night on Grandma, Donna, and Lindsey and Livy who had dropped by. Grandma got it right away(!), but for Donna and Lindsey it was quite a while before...*ding!* --Gary

Did somebody say projects??
That's cool that you're coming down Sam! Can't wait to see you guys in Ames!
Hello every1!!! Guess what...I'm comin down w/Anna 4 the whole month!!! HAHA!!!!

[looks up at sky] NOOOOOOoooooooooo!! (j/k Sam!) :-) --Gary

The picture on the front page is great, but a little disturbing, given recent events in the Middle East and our civilian hostages...

Oooh, sorry about that -- hadn't occurred to me. I haven't been keeping up with the news, and that image didn't even cross my mind. My bad! --Gary

Happy First Day of Summer, y'all. Also the longest day of the year, which means tomorrow the days start getting shorter. :-) Actually I wouldn't mind a long summer or long summer days if they were all like today, which is beautiful. But of course we all know they won't be. I do have to say though, for the record, that this has been a really pleasant summer so far -- there was a day last week when I regretted not wearing a jacket!
Hey everybody! Yesterday I we had our dance squad and cheerleading carwash. I had to be there from 8 to 3, it was really cold in the morning, but it was nice in the afternoon and I got soo sunburned! It was pretty busy all day too, it was pretty much non stop cars all day except for about a half hour at the end, so we got to leave early, it was supposed to go until 4. We're having another one next Saturday too that I will have to be at from 8-4 again.
We have MA camp next Wednesday through Friday for dance squad, it should be fun it goes from 8 to 4. On Wednesday and Thursday we have different classes for Lyrical, Jazz, Hip Hop, Prop, Kick, Novelty, Military and like leaps, turns, jumps and stretching. Then on Friday we have like a little kinda competiton, my squad is going to do a hoopla, and then some of us are also doing a military. It should be fun!
We are also thinking about going to Ames to meet Anna and Marsha, so hopefully we will see you guys there! Have fun in Florida Anna!
Hey everyone, sorry haven't written in for a while. Today me and Dad worked in the backyard almost ALL DAY. We finally started on the stone patio out in the back corner and it's also where our pool will go but I'll have to get pictures because it is hard to explain. Amanda--sounds like you had a busy week with Girl Scout camp. I think me and my Dad and possibly Livy and my Mom were going to meet Marsha and Anna in Ames July 3rd so Anna you'll get to be here for the 4th of July! Well not much other news. I guess Friday night me, Livy, Mom, Dad, Sean, and Grandma went out for Dad's birthday to Ruby Tuesdays and that was really good and then we all went over to TCBY and met Lauren and had dessert there so that was fun. Happy Father's Day to all you Dad's and Grandpa's out there!
Our computer is FINALLY working!! Thanks so much you guys for helping out with getting me down there! I really appreciate it A LOT!!!! Tomorrow I am leaving to WDW. I cant wait. Thanks again you guys!!!

Have fun, Anna! See you soon! --Gary

Well, we finished Girl Scout Twilight Camp. We have been there every night from about 5:30-9:30. It was a LONG week, especially since I had class everyday from 9-1 and had to fit in studying too! It was a good time. We were outside (HOT) except for last night because of rain we moved to a elementary school gym, which was nice. We did crafts, games, songs and cooked one night. I was the leader and had an assistant, another regular troop leader and we had 12 girls, all Tristen's age. Wish we were there, we would consider a halfway trip. I know how it is doing the drive Marsha. Makes for a LONG day! We don't have plans yet for the 4th, not much allowed here, and we wanted to go up to Ft. Sill again to see the show there, but they are doing it 2 days early! Goofy. Gary glad your PC is working again. We STILL need to get ours fixed, we just can't stand to live without it! I need it for school mostly right now. Ours is power supply too, the fan though. Anyhow, thought I would write in.
Marsha -- Anna, I am willing to offer a 1/3 way trip. We could meet you at Ames and bring Anna to SC, then maybe someone from Lincoln could pick her up here...... just an idea.
I am writing a note at the MSAC since our computer is down. I have had a lot of trouble sending in recipes, any ideas Gary? I am in short supply of time for bringing Anna down to Lincoln. Could someone meet us in Ames and drive her the rest of the way on July 2 or 3? We would sure appreciate it and we could eat at Hickory Park. Let me know ASAP if possible!! Penny sure had a great life with Grandpa and Grandma, we will all miss her.

Recipes: My bad. The "exit" page was still set to bring you to our old web-address; I hadn't changed it to the new one. So you were seeing a "page not found" error. But the recipes should have gotten to me anyway. Were some missed? It's all fixed now, so please try again.

I just don't trust my car on the freeway any more, otherwise I'd volunteer. (Also, the AC isn't working....) I'd be glad to ride along though -- or drive! -- if Hickory Park is the destination. Oh, and of course, seeing all you guys... --Gary

New photos from TX!

And also a TX project!

We havent been on for a while because our computer has been down and Im at my Dad's work writing in. I am so sorry to hear about Penny. Ill miss her a lot. I gonna come down in July so if anyone could please help out with a half way trip that would be great! I am planning to stay there for about 3 to 4 weeks!! Cant wait. I leave for WDW on Sunday and come home on Saturday. See you guys soon :)
OK, I'll write a few words.. Brent is doing very well, still home. Decided to take advantage of his sick leave. Goes to the doctor this afternoon and will get the stitches out. He will return to work on Monday. Emily is working at a car wash on Saturday. It's a fund raiser for dance squad. So if anyone is looking for a cleaner car and a drive, come on over :) Today is Erika's last day of flute lessons. I think she will be helping with a class at the museum next week. Emily, Erika and I (with Brent supervising) cleaned up the yard yesterday. Lots of weeds and vines growing along the fence. Took most of the day. I am sore today! We had a lot of rain on Wednesday. About 4 - 6 inches in just a few hours. Some streets were flooding and had to be closed. In fact Brent's sister and Mom were in town for a doctors appointment and were heading to our house when it hit. They had to turn around and take another route.
Okay, all fixed now! I hope I didn't scare you all away from writing in here (as seems to be the case). The computer repairs went as smooth as glass. My regular computer guy apparently is out of town, so after calling repair shops all over town I took it to Best Buy as their prices were the best. I had expected to be driving all over town so I took the afternoon off. But as it happened, I dropped off the machine at the BB repair counter, the BB guys quickly deduced it was a faulty power supply (whew! got off cheap!), and said they'd have it done in a few hours. So I went to the movies(!), came back at 4 and picked it up. They not only fixed it but took care of a couple of little nagging things I'd been putting up with (like the fact that the computer would turn itself on every time my phone rang...). So everything's back to normal. Now, will somebody else write a note here?? I've been doing a solo for the past 700+ words! :-)
FYI, updates to this website are going to be a bit sporadic and slow for a while, as my computer at home suffered a major crash last night. So until I get it fixed, I can only make updates from my office -- which is to say, 8-5 weekdays.... There I was last night, flying over the Greek isles at sunset in Flight Simulator when boom! The machine shut down as if somebody had pulled the plug. (And yes, I checked the plug; that wasn't it.) I hope it's something cheap (like the power supply) and not something expensive (like the motherboard or processor).

So with no computer, I've been watching TV. Have you caught any of the 9/11 hearings on CNN? Interesting, though depressing. Recordings from the morning of September 11 are painful to listen to, as they reveal one ball dropped after another. I'm not saying the acts of that day could have been prevented necessarily, but man, the response was clearly not very effective. One tape I heard this morning from some air traffic controllers as they observed the off-course planes on radar went: "Shouldn't we be thinking about scrambling some aircraft?" (i.e., sending up fighters planes to see what's happening in the planes and, as a last resort, shoot them down.) "...[sigh] Oh I don't know... Everybody just left the room..."

Also announced was the fact that the hearings have discovered NO linkage between the acts of 9/11 to Iraq. None. But Bush's lies have worked well: over 60% of Americans believe Iraq was responsible for 9/11. Which makes this the first time in history that America started a war and invaded another country without provocation. Another proud first for George II!

And now, rather than end today's sermon on a depressing note, here's a joke: An elderly woman finished her meal at a nice restaurant and as she headed to the door, stopped at a table and said to the man sitting there, "I'm sorry for staring, but you look just like my son who's serving overseas right now," and she teared up a little. The man said, "Well... gee, is there anything I can do for you?" She said, "Would it be too much to ask if you would just say, 'Goodbye Mother' to me as I leave?" He said, "Of course I will!" and did so as she left the restaurant. A few minutes later the waiter brought him his tab. "127.50!! But I just had a sandwich!" "Yes," the waiter said, "but your mother said you were also taking care of hers."

Hey, maybe Fox News is "fair and balanced" after all! There's a glowing review of Michael Moore's new film "Fahrenheit 9/11" up today. Film looks good, though it may be hard to find when it opens on June 25; many theatre chains here in the Land of the Free are refusing to show it....
New photos! (Actually they arrived two days ago, but I didn't realize they were here til this morning. Having some email problems this end... Sorry for the delay!)
Poor Penny. This sounds a little goofy about a dog, but I'm glad we were home a month ago so Tristen & Teghan could play with her one last time. Teghan loves the Penny magnet Donna sent so she will be memorialized on our fridge. Penny and Grandpa are finally sitting in the wingback chair together again...
Sorry to hear about Penny, we'll miss her a lot.
Paul, Lori, Lindsey, and Olivia
We'll miss you a lot, Penny.
Sorry to hear about Penny. She was a good dog, she will be missed!
Penny died in her sleep last night, was gone when I woke this morning. Had been dreading it for a few days.
So Anna, when are you going to Lincoln and for how long?
News has slowed down a wee bit here on the old newsletter lately. I blame George Bush. No, actually in this case I blame the warmer weather: Everything slows down. Though to be fair, this summer has been really mild so far. Halfway through June and the AC has only been on a handful of times. In fact, just a few nights ago I had to get up in the middle of the night and close the windows because it was too cold! (I know summer hasn't really started yet -- first official day of summer is still six days away. Or, as I prefer to think of it, six days until the days start getting shorter!)

Hope everyone had a pleasant St. Reagan's Day last Friday!

P.S.: Have you checked the reviews or recipes lately...?

Happy Birthday, Paul!

No gutters? Doesn't that mean water in your basement, but then you don't have basements either...... Weird. Yes, it was a needed job, we had several small trees growing in them.
Sheesh Karen, gutters? We don't have gutters so that is one less yard duty for us. It's a dumb Texas thing.
Tristen & Teghan
Happy Birthday Grandpa!

Ryan & Amanda
Happy Birthday Dad!

Hey Sean, you inspired me! After talking to you this afternoon, I decided that I would clean our gutters too. What a gross job! Then I got to mow the lawn -- I will be soooo glad when Brent is able to do the yard work again.
Hatgidakis Family
Happy Birthday Paul!!!!

Happy Birthday, Paul!!

Happy Birthday Paul!

Hey everybody!! There hasn't been too much going on with us lately, just dance, and band for Erika. We have our dance recital today, we just got back from the dress rehersal we were there from about 10 to 1:30, but I think it went pretty well and the recital should go well too, we will tape it and also try to get some pictures too!
I am going to Disney World in 8 days. I leave the 20 and come back the 26.
Anna, when are you going to Disney?
Hello everyone. It has been raining a lot here also. Mostly just cold and wet around here. I am really happy to be out of school and getting to sleep in late. Well not too much new with me or around here...
We got stuck watching the funeral stuff all morning. Very touching. Classy. I thought the elder Bush's speech was nice. When he choked up it got me a little. I hope Nancy doesn't go soon, she seemed so fragile, good thing she had the Nebraska General all week.
I have to agree somewhat with you Amanda, it is rather morbid to see the coffin all over the US. But then, I think a lot of funerals are morbid. I personally will be glad to see it over, gone on for too long. I was watching an older PBS special on Reagan last night, and surprisingly it was not all praise for him. Brent is doing well, gets tired very easily. He sees the doctor this afternoon, should get the staples out (OUCH!!). Thinking he will take another week off of work though. Emily and Erika have their dance recital tomorrow. We will be at the reshersal most of the morning. We have been having nasty storms the last two nights. Lots of lightning and thunder, over an inch of rain each night.

As I read someplace on the internet yesterday after 6+ days of total media focus on this, "Even Jesus only gets one day..." --Gary

This is a website talking about some of our opinions of the press coverage of Reagan. Also, I was telling Ryan how bothered I am by our society and how we deal with death. I am weirded out (for lack of a better term) by the video shots seeing his casket wheeled all over the US for different occasions. Let the man rest. He will finally be buried 6 days after death!? In the real world that is too long. The whole thing is just bizarre to me.

Excellent article! Thanks for the link. --Gary

I just heard some news on the Return of the King: Extended Edition DVD which may interest some of you. It had been the plan to release it mid-November, like the two previous EE's; but they just announced that with the cast scattered all over the world now it is taking longer than usual to put together the "extras." So the Extended Edition won't be released until just before Christmas. Dang!
New photos, just arrived from Sioux City!
I got back from dance two hours ago and I am still sore! We had stretching first and we did that for an hour tonight and MAN she works you hard for that and really pushes you into your splits (even if you can't go all the way!). But I had a lot of fun and we are learning a few dances so that's cool!
Hey everyone I am FINALLY DONE WITH SCHOOL!!!! I am so glad to be done. Yesterday was Sam's graduation and it went well. She did not trip, although I kinda wish she would have. It has been really hot here in the 90's as the high during the day but at night it has been pretty cool. Glad to hear that Brent is doing better!
Hey everyone, I had my first day of dance camo yesterday. Mondays and Wednesdays are Ballet (6-7:30), Pointe (7:30-8:15), and Lyrical (8:15-9:00). So then tonight and Thursdays I have Jazz (6-7:30), Stretching (7:30-8:15), and Leaps/Jumps/Turns (8:15-9:00). It's hard and they really work you but it's fun.
Hey Sam, if you plan to do a back-flip at the ceremony, be careful!
I have to admit I am some what surprised by the all wonderful things being said about Reagan. I thought I heard that flags would be at half-mast for a month, now a day off. Has this happened when other ex-pres died? I know it didn't with Nixon, but that was Nixon. Don't remember about other presidents....

Well, to the Republicans Reagan was a saint; so our current Republican leadership is all a-swoon, and our Republican-owned media are falling all over themselves with tributes. If Clinton had died, God forbid, I daresay I would be expected at work on Friday as usual. --Gary

Friday (June 11) has been declared a national day of mourning, so all federal offices will be closed. Our governor just announced that the Nebraska state offices will close also, which means -- as I work for the state (UN-L) -- I get the day off.

As we'll be remembering Reagan all this week, here are a few things that should also be remembered but probably won't get said:

--Under his 8-year administration, the gap widened between rich and poor: the middle and lower classes got poorer, and the rich got much richer.
--He claimed to be against big government, but the government grew under his administration -- especially the military, the funding for which created the worst deficit in this country's history (until George II assumed the office).
--It was Reagan's administration that funded Saddam Hussein and turned Iraq into a military power, which led us directly to today's situation in Iraq.
--Reagan opened the doors of government to the Religious Right, a movement which now controls the White House and the Congress. The Religious Right routinely blocks funding for medical research, especially stem cell research -- which ironically is thought to be the most promising approach to curing Alzheimer's and many other diseases.

I'm not bad-mouthing him; just trying to remember the whole picture....

Ryan, Amanda, Tristen & Teghan
Congrats Sam!!

Paul, Lori, Lindsey, and Olivia
Congratulations Sam! Don't trip! Wish we could've been there!

Congrats Sam!!! Wish we could have been there!

Congratulations, Sam! I am proud of you! Would love to be there, don't trip on your walk across the stage!! Have fun at all the parties you will probably be going to. Hope it is a cooler day for you than we have here.

Brent is doing very well. He has very little pain and is up and doing most things for himself. He can't lift anything more than 5 lbs for 8 weeks -- that will be hard! Today is going to be hot, 90's and humid. I hate summer!!
Samantha -- Congratulations -- wish we could be there tonight -- we'll be thinking about you :)

Oh, and sad news about Reagan, not a big fan of him as president, but a decent human being who lived a full life. It was a relief to hear he finally passed, sounds like the last few years have been hard on him and his family.

I was no fan of his either, but I have to admit feeling bad that so many people (including me) gave him such a hard time for "I don't remember" and "I can't recall" during the Iran-Contra thing. We know now he was then beginning to feel the effects of Alzheimer's, and really couldn't recall.... --Gary

I just sent in a recipe for what could be the best cookies ever. The Hershey bar in the recipe equaled out to be almost 3 regular Hershey bars, actually 3 minus 2 little squares. Ours took a little longer to bake, could be the oven, or the stones, who knows. SO GOOD!!! Try them today!
Well me and Olivia are feeling better. Not totally healed but getting there. Me and Dad went over to Grandma's this morning and mowed. Not much else going on here today.
Brent is home :)

Good! Tell him to lay off racquetball for a day or two. --Gary

Paul, Lori, Lindsey, and Olivia
Happy Birthday Dad/Grandpa! We love you!

Happy Birthday Dad/Grandpa.

Just a quick Brent update. Not really much change today. Still waiting for his stomach to wake up. No foods yet, just broth and jello. The medicine is also doing strange things to him. He was pretty spacey this afternoon. Looks like he will be in the hospital for another 2 days.
Marsha~ I wanted to take the summer off because I have never had a summer off like typical college students do. However, I want to graduate in May 2005 more than I want the summer off. So, I have to go this summer to get 15 hours and go fall and spring to graduate on time. Nothing like cramming it all in at the end! And Lindsey, I know what you need to do now that your summer has officially started, load pictures and send them in! Your little trip out west was what, a month ago?? And I want to see photos of this deck in progress. From what I hear it isn't hot enough there yet to have your pool up anyway, it has been here!
Did you guys all change your email addresses? I tried to send the Tristen pictures to you and dad & it came back undeliverable.
Well today I am officially out of school for the summer!
Happy Birthday Grandpa!

Aha! Here's the story on these pictures. (Looks to me like these pics are in reverse order, according to the narrative below.) You da man, Sean! --Gary

Yesterday at work a new guy got one of our forklifts stuck in a mud hole. I am always the guy people ask to help them pull stuck forklifts, yesterday was no exception. Half of the company had to come out and watch, and all the Ford fans said that a Ford could have pulled it out better. A co-worker, Tyrone, said that Brent who drives a brand new Ford Ranger could have pulled it out better. Brent has pulled a forklift out one time also. He is pretty proud of his truck, and thinks it can do anything. I told everyone my truck could easily out pull his. There were a lot of skeptics, and even I became a little nervous after all the talk. Tyrone, a Ford fan, thought it would be a good idea to chain them up and have a tug-o-war. So, at 5:30 that is what we did, right out in front of the company. We lined up the center of the chain with the center of the old railroad tracks. We each had our trucks in 4wd low range. We pulled the chain tight, someone yelled go, and we both went at it. A lot of tire scratching, a lot of burnt rubber, and a few seconds later, I had him pulled 15 feet my way. As I told him before we started, I could have taken him to where ever I wanted him to end up. I decided to let him off easy, because even though his pretty truck is under warranty, he would have had a hard time explaining a fried transmission. Check out all four tire marks left by my truck, that's from all four 12" wide tires spinning on the cement. Now I'm looking for more competition!!

And more photos, these from Texas (sports division).
Sean just now sent me this link to a slideshow he put together. I'm not sure what's going on there, other than it looks kind of illegal. We need a commmentary track, Sean!
I just told Tristen this morning it was Grandpa's birthday today. And yesterday we talked about him too when Teghan got the Penny magnet Tristen said she thought Penny got her name because she was the color of a penny and I told her that that is why Grandpa named her Penny.
Happy Birthday, Grandpa.

Thanks for the suggestions. He already had the palm, books on tape and hand held games. We did go out and get a paddle ball. Guess he will just have to deal with it.

Wow -- Palm, books on tape, handheld games, and a paddleball... For me, that's a wild Friday night! --Gary

Gee, feel better Amanda, Lindsey, Olivia and Brent!

How about some books on tape for Brent? Available at the library and, of course, Barnes and Noble. Counting ceiling tiles is always a winner at most hospitals. Why not call the hospital chaplain in for a visit...the ones I know are really good and usually have new jokes to tell. Hey Amanda, aren't you taking the summer off from school?
This is a good time for a Palm for Brent! I used mine today waiting for medical care. I am sick again. I should say still, I have never fully recuperated. I am on another round of antibiotics and decongestants. I am petitioning against this new wonder antibiotic, Zithromax, it doesn't work! I have heard of more people going back for more drugs because the Zithromax didn't do it. Tristen has her last day of soccer camp tomorrow, she had a GREAT time. She told me if she had the money she would sign up to go next week too. She is doing so well to, she is a natural at defense, she picked it right up. I will try to take some photos tomorrow, maybe a video clip, Gary, did you get the one (or two, but I think the second one came back saying it was too big). I go back to class Monday, and of course I am not ready. I wish I would have had a few days of good health during my 3 weeks off. On the 14th Tristen & I go to Girl Scout Twilight Camp every night that week from 6-9. I surely hope I feel better by then because I volunteered to be a camp leader.

No, I didn't get any videos. Please try again. (When you feel up to it!) --Gary

Well me and Livy have been home sick for the past two days. Just not feeling good at all. We went to the doctors today and I guess Livy has a left ear infection, we both have a sinus infection thing and I have an upper respiratory infection or some throat thing. So we've literally been laying down watching TV all day. Technically Gary, our last day of school is tomorrow! But I wish. Hope I'm better by Monday for my dance camp!

Ooops! I guess the countdown page was wrong. Get well soon, you two! --Gary

Brent is improving. Waited until 4 for the doctor to see him. Said the surgery went very well. Still no food for awhile -- he did get some broth, jello and juice for a mid-afternoon snack. Probably be in the hospital for anther 2 days. He is BORED!!! Any suggestions for activites you can do when you are flat on your back and groggy from the drugs????

A little Walkman-type tape player and Books-on-Tape? A Gameboy? One of those paddle-balls with a long rubber band? It is boring, I know! --Gary

Hey I am glad to hear that everything went well for Brent!! I only have about 3 days left of school. I have not had a lot of homework because my teachers are grading and we are getting ready for finals. I am gonna be coming down soon in July, but Im not to sure yet when exactly. You guys are so lucky to be done. I CANT WAIT!!!!!
Good news, Karen, am happy to hear it, hopefully your summer will be lots better with that over now. Two or three days sounds pretty good. Cool day here, almost need a jacket, but not quite. Mulch is all spread, so am picking easy jobs now. Hey, Tristen, I am having fun with your dollhouse, it is ok if I play with it, isn't it? Thanx for the compliment, Sean, I think you were just extra hungry last night. Hi, everyone!
Well the surgery is over, went very well. Got to the hospital about 7 and he was in surgery by 8:30. Talked with the doctor and he said it all went as planned. He will be in the hospital for 1-2 days just to make sure everything is functioning as it should.

Good news! --Gary

Hey everyone, last night you all (except for a few) missed out on the best pizza I have ever had! Grandma Jo's Pizza House (43th & Orchard).
To follow up on the political links below: I just found a really cool site that lets you experiment with different electoral outcomes. It was created by somebody working for "Edwards for President" (remember him?). All you do is click on a state once to give those votes to Kerry; twice for Bush. Check this table to see how the states currently line up.
I'm sure the hospital trip will go just fine. Seems like I've been hearing lots of hospital stories lately, and each story is about the amazing things they can do now, or how fast the recovery time is, etc. Them doctors is smart.

Hey, where were you two years ago today? Okay, that's cool, now let's talk about me: I was in Rome. :-) After a long plane trip and then a short train ride into Rome we checked into the little hotel. I remember we had a bit of trouble finding it as there wasn't even a sign outside; the hotel consisted of seven or eight rooms on the second floor of this old old building. (Every building in Rome is old!) It was just a block or so from the river (Tevere, or Tiber), and on the other side of the river was the Vatican; so we went there first. It was really overwhelming to be suddenly surrounded by so much history, and so many masterpieces of art -- among them, on that first day, Michelangelo's Pieta. After that we went to the Piazza Navona, also just a few steps from the hotel. The Piazza Navona is a big open area which in ancient times had been a chariot racetrack; over the centuries it has retained its flattened-oval shape and is now a popular meeting place and strolling spot. We sat with a glass of wine for an hour and then had dinner at a sidewalk cafe right beside the central fountain as the sun went down. What a day!

Before I leave the podium, here are a couple of interesting articles if you're in a political mood: One from The Hill which asserts that Kerry's lead over Bush is the strongest showing (at this point in the race) of any challenger in the history of modern polling (woo-hoo!); and an article from the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, which is polling the "borderline" states where the race is the closest, says that if the election were held today Kerry would win a "crushing" victory (woo-HOO!). (Also see today's cool site to see the Wall Street Journal on the same topic.)

Thanks for all the birthday wishes. Had a good day. Today won't be nearly as enjoyable -- 6:30 and we are heading to the hospital -- keep you all posted :)
I love the pictures of Tristen and Teghan! Teghan looks a little scary in that one you guys experimented with. No fair, you guys already have your pool up! Still working on the deck for ours. Tristen, how do you like soccer camp? What kind of new digital camera did you guys get? I can take little movie clips on mine too and that's pretty fun!
Paul, Lori, Lindsey, and Olivia
Happy Birthday Karen!

Hey everybody, those pictures of Tristen and Teghan are really cute!!

Its been kinda quiet on here lately. Not much has been going on with us either, Erika started her flute lessons today, and I started dance squad. Whats everybody else going to be doing this summer?

Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy Birthday, Karen!!!

Congrats on the perfect score on Who Am I?
New photos are up! Amanda, send me those videos and I'll experiment with putting them on the webpage.
Ryan, Amanda, Tristen & Teghan
Happy Birthday Karen!