Anderson/Hatgidakis/Nelson/Metcalf: Newsletter

Old news: March 2001

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Hi, everybody! I have a new e-mail address. It is Congratulations to Lindsey on winning her first basketball game and also to Gary, Donna and Grandma on their wins. Please send all future e-mails to my new address.
The correction has been made on the contact page. --Gary

Hi everybody! I had my first Small Fry game today. WE WON!! It was close though 19-15! I made a swish and took a lot of steals! It was really fun. All of our games are on Saturday Mornings and Tuesday Evenings! Bye!

Emily, here are some ideas. Making a model of any of the planets (or their moons) would be easy -- they're round! :-) Saturn would look cool if you could make the rings too. Neptune is a real beautiful blue, and has a "spot" on it like Jupiter. Some of the moons of Jupiter have really interesting surfaces and would look good. If you wanted to make a man-made space object, you could make a model of the Space Station, though that would be pretty hard: it's complicated. (You can see some pictures of it here.) Or how about this: Make a model of the very first thing to go into space from earth -- the Sputnik. It would be interesting because it's historical, and it would be very easy to make -- just a round ball with four straws attached to it! You can see a picture of it (and also read some history about it) here. Good luck!

I have to write a report and make a model of a Celestial Object (anything outside of the earth's atmosphere) and I don't know what I should do it on!! It could be a star, planet, or something else like The Hubble Telescope. If anyone has any ideas PLEASE tell me!!

You are Olivia :)

Is it Olivia????

??????GUESS WHO?????
The following poem was submitted anonymously, but the author has promised to step forward if anyone can identify him/her here in the Newsletter. --Gary

*I have a dog
*I love him a lot!
*I like scoobydoo
*I also like him a lot.

Hi everybody. I've been selected to go to Washington, D.C. next fall with about 30 other 6th graders. I'm working on raising $800 for the trip with fund raisers and sponsors. If anyone would like to sponsor me, I could use your help! Any amount would be great in a check made out to Sanford Middle School. We are going to the White House, museums and maybe Gettysburg if there is enough time.

Well, congrats to Donna and Gary on their winning performances on Oscar night. A pretty tight race this year and lots of fun to play along. Just wait till next year.... I am anxious to see Enemies At the Gate after the sterling recommendations from Gary and RYAN. The Final Four Basketball series is in town this weekend. Tall people have taken over downtown. Oh yes, Mom, way to go on the personalities quiz. You were fantastic to get them all right. Who is Ginger? I really enjoy Dexter and Sally Forth and most of the others, but Ginger stumped me and I had to ask Sam about Fred Durst. Thought maybe he was that kid from the Wonder Years. John and I are going to see the Dalai Lama in May. The State Department is providing his security and we have to be there over two hours early to be cleared for his lecture. A couple of years ago when the Smithsonian Exhibit was in St. Paul, we went through security and Zach asked me loudly, "Hey, Mom, do you still have that knife in your purse?" They searched my purse. I think they confiscated my nail file. Abe Lincoln's hat was really small.

Congratulations to Donna, Gary, Samantha and Mom on their victories this past week. Donna and Gary, make sure you keep that Oscar looking spiffy and shiny and free of unsightly fingerprints. He's planning to move back to the North Country next year.

What happened to Charlie's Angels review???? Lindsey are you out of school or something?
It's there now. My fault: I backed up the wrong file yesterday. But the review wasn't lost, merely misplaced. Think of it like this: your review just had the night off! --Gary

I think that the Who Am I was HARD!! I got people mixed up that don't even act alike or look alike. Hopefully I will do better on the next one. But it is going to be hard because it doesn't really describe anything about anyone like what their fav. food is or stuff like that. But I guess I already put my vote in, tough choices for the houses. I spent probably half an hour to 45 minutes working on my second Who Am I. My first one took a while also. I can't believe Grandma got them all right. Way to go Grandma. I hope I can do as good as her on the second one as she did on the first one. Good Luck everybody! :) :)

For the record, had I gone with my original guesses in the game I would have been dead on! Man, trust your instincts, cuz I thought too much about it & looked at it for days before making my finals... Oh well, better luck next time! Good job Grandma!

HEY! Anyone read this book:
The Ersatz Elevator by: Lemony Shicket
My German Culture teacher asked us about it because it is the #4 book (of course under the Potter series) for young adults right now... She wondered because Ersatz is a German word. I thought I would ask around to all of you readers just in case, I told her I would. I am supposed to get back to her by Wednesday, so let me know. If not I am going to do some research and I will let you know!
Apparently this book is #6 in a series. I went to and found a review. It is targeted for ages 9-12 and had many rave reviews! The reviewers also recommended Harry Potter, so if you liked his books, these might be another good series to get into. I am not endorsing anything, just offering a suggestion. I failed to see the German representation though, other than Ersatz means back-up, so The Back-up Elevator maybe??? To get a complete listing of all the books in the series, go to, then on the search engine for that page, search for The Ersatz Elevator, then go to other books in this series, or other books by the author. Kind of makes me curious. Maybe a good summertime project for the readers out there.....

I think the Who Am I? game is hard! I bet Grandma is the one who got them all right! They were difficult questions, like I know a lot about my dad and Lori and grandma, but I dont know who their favorite cartoon characters are! Also the bio matched one of my guesses, but the picture did not. Maybe I dont know people as well as i thought I did! Next time lets do something like: when I was a kid I wanted to be/or I want to be when I grow up... My dream car is.... One place I would love to visit.... Just some suggestions. But since I am sure it was Grandma who got them all right, kudos to her, she knows us well, cuz them wuz hard!

I got the dreaded call from the school nurse today. Erika was outside at recess, she was playing tag and someone tagged her and she fell down. She hit her mouth on the bench. She hit her two front teeth, the nurse thought I should be notified. I went to school and brought her home. Seems to be OK now, but her gums are bloody and swollen. She is sucking on a popsickle to help with the swelling.

Woohoo! I was ready to officially congratulate Gary on his win. But I like this idea of sharing even more. I have a spot already cleared for Oscar. And I have a feeling he's going to be at my house for a long time. Gary just let me know when my names been engraved on the trophy so I can pick it up. :-)

Erika - Brownie Troop 326
This is the last day to order cookies from me -- so if you want any more send your order to me by 6:00 p.m.

Update on the update: I will put "Phase 2" of the game (the guessing part) on the webpage on Friday around noon. There are still five or six of us out there who haven't answered the questions, so I'm waiting to see if they want to join in. If they come in earlier, I'll post "Phase 2" earlier. I think this will be a lot of fun -- I'm already working on "The Return of 'Who Am I?'" :-)

Here's an update on the "Who Am I?" game. So far the people who have joined in are: Grandma, Gary, Emily, Erika, Lindsey, Amanda, Karen, Samantha, Anna, Marsha, and John. I'll let it run a while longer to see if anyone else wants in. (Lindsey-- get your mom and dad and sister involved! And your brother if you see him!) Anyway, pretty soon I'll post the profiles and we can start guessing. :-)

Emily and Erika
Yep Gary you got it. Good Job.
P.S. We really like that guessing game you put up!

Actually it was Tristen! Sorry John!! I think #1 was Sam and #2 was Anna! Everybody is copying me. STOP!! I repeat STOP! :)

I think "guess who no. 2" is EMILY and "Guess Who No.1" is SAM.

Ok, I'll try: I think #2 is Erika????? and #1 is Emily?????. Or maybe it's the other way around? I can't remember who had short and who had long hair! :-)

?????(Guess Who #2)?????
1. I have a sister.
2. I have long hair.
3. I like to play on the computer.
4. I like cats!

?????(Guess Who #1)?????
1. I just got my hair cut really short.
2. I like shopping.
3. I have 2 pets.
Guess who I am and put your answers up here!

Well, duh, it is me!

It's me!!! Lindsey, you are soooooo sweet to say those nice things about your Uncle John. And hey, I knew that other person was you all along.

Yup, it was me!! Now I'll do somebody else but it won't be me. Put up your answer on the newsletter and I'll tell you if your right...
*I have a dog
*I have a cat
*I'm really cute
*I bet everyone would say that!!
Who am I??? Post your answer on the newsletter!! Have fun!

Are you Grandmom or Sasha?

Are you Lindsey????

I think it is Lindsey.

Guess who this is. I didn't put my name, but see if you know.
*I like lots of sports
*And reading and writing
*I like going shopping
*I love going swimming
Who am I? Put your answer on the newsletter and if you're right I will tell you! Have fun!! 8) 8)

What, roads?? That is too easy! Maybe we are not smart enough to play your game. :):)

I think maybe it is the apple orchard in Nebraska!!!!!!Is it??
Sorry, no! The truth is out there. Come back tomorrow. --Gary

I'm not sure if this is right but is the theme that all the pictures are outside?
Wellll.... They are all outside pictures, but that's not the theme. Check back tomorrow! :-) --Gary

I dont get the theme. Maybe it is all things you will NEVER see in Nebraska????
Nope! Tune in tomorrow for the answer. --Gary

I am selling Girl Scout cookies. They are $3.00 a box. My goal is to sell 50 boxes. I can take orders until March 26th. Send any orders to my email address -- Thin mints are the best sellers! My favorites are the Peanut butter Patties. Thanks :)

Click on the picture to enlarge.

Grandma, Im sending in my RSVP now! We will be there! Anything you want us to bring????? Ryan is already excited!

With all the ice last night we had a HUGE branch fall off of our tree in the backyard. So big that Ryan can't move it alone, ah the joys of renting, we just called someone to do it for us! We (me, Sasha & Zoe) thought we heard something last night, but we couldnt see anything, so this morning Ryan went to take Sasha out & there it was. She can't go outside on her chain because it is so big. It is a good thing she wasnt out there when it happened, it for sure would have squashed her!

Had a really nice visit with the Nelson's this weekend. Wasn't great weather but the Children's Museum was fun. Ice storms are not my cup of tea but Orchard street was never as pretty as it was when the sun shone on it this a.m. Cars sure were "crunchy sounding" and probably didn't share my opinion of the view. Great pictures of the Hatgidakis clan on the photo page. A handsome family, indeed!! By the way an official invitation is hereby issued to all who read this to corned beef and cabbage Sat. night --St. Patrick's-- here about 6 or so. Hope to see you all then.

Sean's #1 Gas wonder he took it apart!!!!

VERY COOL! Thanks Gary, you need a raise, what are we paying you anyway? That is exactly what I learned today, and I thought it was so neat! That picture is of the Imperial Palace where these horses live & practice. Looks nicer than our governors mansion! We will have to check out that Disney flick! Thanks again, make sure Livy gets to see all this before you take it off!

Gary~ Can you find or have you seen any info on the history of Austria's Lipazanner(sp?) Horses? We learned a bit about them in German Culture and watched a short video as they are coming to the Civic at the end of the month. Very interesting history, thought the horse lovers and historians out there might enjoy it!
See the front page, and the cool site. Also, there was a Disney movie some years ago that featured these horses, called The Miracle of the White Stallions -- about how the whole breed was nearly destroyed during World War II, and the American general George Patton made a special effort to save them. --Gary

Did you know that one of my Dad & Lori's cars & one of my brother's cars came in on the MSN top 10 list for Gas Guzzlers! The GMC Sierra 1500 was #1(Sean's) and the Lincoln Navigator was #10(Dad & Lori's)! I was really checking out the list for the Explorer but it wasnt on there, though I could argue with that! I am glad I have a littler car again, one tank of gas: 2 weeks!

Hi Everybody! We are coming to Lincoln on Saturday morning and leaving Sunday afternoon. See you all Saturday! BYE!!

Hi everybody! I have sent this song to like 3 people. And now it is time for everybody to hear it. "Hi! My name is Joe and I work in a button factory. I have a wife and three kids. One day my boss came up to me, he said Joe are you busy? I said no." Hope you all liked my song. I know Lindsey did. Hey Gary can I get a dog, the cat chasing the bug, and frog? Thanks.
I'm afraid if I put all those animals on, Grandma's computer might start to smoke! (Just kidding!) But for writing such a weird song, I did find a frog for you. :-) --Gary

The picture looks just like an area I visited called Canyon De Shay not far from 4 corners. This view reminds me of a legend I was told about an Indian woman jumping to her death off the cliff rather than be taken by soldiers. Indians still live at the base of the canyon yet the rest of the area is a state park. No one is allowed at the base unless you can prove you are a descendent of the original dwellers.

What is that picture on the front page? That is cool!
Sorry, I should have labelled it. The picture is of the Anasazi ruins in Mesa Verde, Colorado; part of the same system of Anasazi ruins which Donna visited last year. To find out more about the Anasazi, see today's cool site; or ask Donna! --Gary

Hi, We are planning to come to Lincoln on Saturday, hope the weather cooperates this time. Should be there by noon and head back to SC sometime on Sunday -- see you all then. :)

Good Job Tristen!! Way to go. You like the dentist too? I like the dentist. Well, keep brushing your teeth with the Jelica brush. Bye!

Good day at the dentist Tristen!! Are you thinking you may lose a tooth like Livy did? Thanks for reactivating the crosswords, Gary.

I went to the dentist on Friday. It was my very first time. My mom said it was much better than when she was a kid, I had a TV to watch cartoons. I also got to get a new toothbrush with Rugrats, it has Jelica on it, but not Tommy. I also got a windwheel to blow out of the treasure chest because the dentist said I did so good. I love the dentist even though my dad doesn't. My mom loves the dentist. I watched something today on the TV about a lady going to the dentist, she did almost as good as me. Did she get the treasure chest too mom? What? Oh, I am done.

Hi! How are all you guys doing? Thanks for the e-mail's everybody. It has been nice here. Today it was so nice out I took Sunny on a walk to Petco and bought Sunny a treat. Cause I'm so nice. In science I have a mentor who works at Medtronics and we e-mail back and forth. Sometime this month I'll get to meet her. Well got to go bye! :) Hey Gary, can I also get a cat and dog and a bird if you have one! Thanks.

How about a cat chasing a bird? (or maybe it's a bug....)

Hi Everyone-Thank you Emily for the card. It was very cute. Thank you Donna for the Valentine's Day card. I guess I don't get around to checking my e-mail very much. Congratulations Amanda on acing your test! Thanks everyone for your congratulations for me making the honor roll. It's been warm here and everything is getting drippy. Ya-hoo!! :)Gaaaaaarrrrrrry, can I also get a cat and a dog?

Olivia -- What kind of Runza were you eating? Dont tell me it was cheater chicken nuggets again, Sean would be disappointed! Glad that thing is finally out!

I just lost my tooth. my very first one it is cool. it feels weird, before Claire came over. I was just feeling it and it was in my hand.

Congratulation Amanda for acing the test! Way to go! Proceeds are on their way. :) Congratulations Anna! Honor Roll, Way to go! See ya later over.

CONGRATULATIONS AMANDA AND ANNA! Can I have a cat and a dog?

I have an e-mail address again. Since we switched from AOL mom forgot to get me one. I need it! It is

Congratulations Amanda and Anna!!! Erika, I hope you write a review of the movie. And Tristen, I want to see your new haircut. I bet it looks really cute. (oh and can I have a cat, too?)

Hi me and Erika got out early today at 1:00 (Erika didn't get out until 1:30). I don't really have anything else to say I just want a kitty! Bye 8)

Thanks Grandma! And way to go Anna! How about a cat for her!

Here's both, for both of you. --Gary

Congratulations to Amanda!! Good going. AND Congratulations to ANNA who is on the Honor Roll.