Anderson/Hatgidakis/Nelson/Metcalf: Newsletter

Old news: March 2006

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Can you believe this??? I have applied for a million & one jobs, right? Not gotten an offer, but once. Not even gotten but 2 or 3 calls for interviews. OK really, I bet I have applied for nearly 50, no exaggerations... Anyhow, today don't you know I get a call from Wells Fargo in Wichita Falls asking if I am still interested in a position with them. I couldn't believe it. I applied for this job in August!!!! I told them no, that I was moving in two months. I shouldn't have said that. I should have gone for an interview & transferred with Wells Fargo to Lincoln. Probably wouldn't have worked. Anyhow, that is my luck!

I was just getting ready to leave work yesterday when a huge storm came up from no where. Then we heard a rather nervous sounding announcement from our security guy telling us to get to our designated tornado shelters immediately. While we were waiting for the storm to pass we heard on the radio that this was an erratic storm and if a tornado were to develop it will most likely hit along the MO river. Great. But fortunately nothing happened and we were able to leave half an hour later. It blew a park bench about 5 feet but that was the only damage I noticed. I heard there was a small tornado in Papillion.

Well, it looks like I can finally get that gun I've been wanting. NE just passed a law making it legal to carry a concealed weapon. What were they thinking???

And did you hear Cheney is now making jokes about his shooting accident? He told an audience yesterday that they didn't have to worry because he could still see the whites of their eyes. Funny guy.

Oh, Cheney's a hoot! --Gary

All right, since no one else is talkin-- how bout this: Who else thinks Bucky is Sucky? We hate him! We were very upset to see Katherine in the bottom 3. Ace needs to go too. And so does Kelly... Gary, are you still a fan of hers? Course, we don't vote so we can't get too fired up.

I'm not a Bucky fan, no. I think he should be twirling a lassoooo at a ro-DAY-o, as Simon might say. Ace I don't like because he's a professional -- maybe not a professional singer, but he's been on TV, on a network sitcom! (Don't remember which.) I do still like Kelly, but I think maybe we've seen her whole range by now -- it's good, but that's all she's got. My money is now on Chris, who overshadows everybody every week. --Gary

Attention all Jack Black and/or King Kong fans (I am a proud member of both categories): There's a pretty funny interview with him here on the MTV site.
Hey, sorry if anyone had (or is still having) trouble getting on this page this morning. Big thunderstorm came through and must have knocked something out, because connection has been real slow for me. And, if you scroll down this page, you may notice that half of it is gone! :-) When I was adding Karen's item below, everything froze up, then crashed -- and when it was all over, the lower half of the page was missing. I do have a backup at home, so I can restore the missing stuff later. Anyway, big spring thunderstorm -- and a week ago yesterday was a snow day. That's March in Nebraska.
I think we are beginning to return to normal around here. Brent is doing much better. Been going to the office for a few hours every day this week, should be back full time next week. Emily has been having a fun time in school. She is doing a class assignment by taking care of "babies." Each person was given an egg baby to care for a week. Yesterday they got their baby, Emily was one of the ones to get twins. She was thrilled! They had to make a safe carrier for the eggs and they have to take them EVERYWHERE for the next week. She has really been getting into it. She took them to dance class last night and we will have to come up with somewhere to take them this week-end. Emily didn't have such a fun time after dance class last night. Had her first accident. Got a call from her asking Brent to come help her. She was backing out at dance and hit a car parked behind her. Brent got there and called the police and filed a report. The policeman tried to find the owner of the car, but couldn't. Part of the reason he couldn't find the owner may be because the plates didn't match the car. So I doubt that we will be having to pay damages. It actually didn't do much damage, just a few scuffs on our bumper.
Gary, are you going to treat us with a "If dogs ruled the world?" I can think of another person in the family that would love it also!

Sorry, old buddy, we did that -- two weeks ago: March 13 through 17. You're working too hard! --Gary

Hey, take a look at the CNN site and look under the heading watch free video, then click on 'Lewd' Bush bumper sticker.

Free Speech: Use it while you still can! --Gary

Is he the one that first reported about the Downing Street memo? And BTW, where's the all news on the latest Bush/Blair thing? Do you have anything from your sources on that?

The Downing Street Memo story was big news in England and the rest of Europe before a peep was heard over here in the press. I don't know if Drudge had the story early on; I'm pretty sure Capitol Hill Blue (a more liberal, and more reliable, source) did. I also do not know why the press is so quiet about this latest Bush/Blair thing. The story is out there (here's the New York Times, for example), but... "Where's the outrage?" as Bob Dole used to say. --Gary

You know that's a little creepy. That note from Jim is the one he sent out just to Gallup. In fact, just the other day, he said we can forward emails from him about our world poll, but not about the CNN thing. Gary, how do you find this stuff?

Ask Matt Drudge how he finds out! :-) Drudge's site, though frequently just a mouthpiece for the Republican Party, often runs stories for days before the other news outlets get them. Sometimes reliable, sometimes not. --Gary

Even nasty Fox News gave it a bigger spot than CNN.

CNN ain't what it used to be. They are regarded as too far Right by the Left, and too far Left by the Right. Normally that might mean they had struck a balance, and that would be a good thing. But CNN tried to find that balance not by having "neutral" non-partisan newspeople, but instead by hiring both right-wing reporters (such as Kyra Phillips and Wolf Blitzer) and left-wing reporters (like Anderson Cooper and Aaron Brown...until he was recently fired). So the left and right wing extremists stop watching, leaving their viewership consisting of the middle; and the middle is getting smaller every day as American becomes more and more partisan. That's my theory, anyway. Keith Olbermann on MSNBC is now getting higher ratings than CNN during that hour (Paula Zahn); and I note that the mighty and powerful Gallup Organization has dropped its association with CNN. Ouch! --Gary

Did you hear Abramoff just got sentenced to 5 years, 10 months?

No, hadn't been watching the news today. Good! I was hoping for more fall-out, though, and names being named. Hopefully that is yet to come. Interesting that on the CNN site, it's a minor story, but on MSNBC it's the lead story with a big headline... --Gary

Oh, this is good. A conservative Republican in Texas who lost an election to another Republican in Texas (in the March 7th Texas primaries) is claiming -- horrors! -- that the voting machines appear to have been tampered with! The winner was the candidate backed by the Bush family, natch. Voting anomalies were found in "virtually every precinct," including many counties where "there were more votes than voters." So the loser in this election is calling for an independent investigation of the voting machines and the companies that manufacture them (including the company Chuck Hagel is a part-owner of) -- the first such investigation, by the way, in the nation. Would have been nice if one or two of our Democrats had been brave enough to do this in their elections, but.... Anyway, now it's an issue because it affects Republicans. Whatever it takes! :-) Story here.
Wow spent a lot of time reading through all the newsletters I had missed. Catching up on everybody's news.

Congratulations Tristen on being the top seller! That's so cool!

Happy Belated Birthday Anna and Donna!

Glad to hear Brent is doing better and out of the hospital!

BTW Donna you had asked about the Curbside Prophet song and Jason Mraz sings that.

Anyways had a GREAT time on the cruise and got lots of pictures to share so I'll write in about it when I get all the pictures together. Man we totally missed the snow, didn't see any leaving and a not a trace on the ground when we got back!

I ran into a Republican friend that I hadn't seen for awhile. I said surely you're not still a Bush supporter. Do you know what he said? He admited he wasn't as enamored as he had been with Bush but his complaint was that Bush wasn't Republican enough. What's wrong with these people?

It's true, some Repubs won't be happy until Bush grows a little mustache and invades Poland. Which I think he has scheduled right after Iran and North Korea. --Gary

Dear Tristen:
Can I exchange the Girl Scout Cookies I bought? Somebody brought some Lemon Coolers to work today, and when I tried them I liked them much better than the Cafe cookies I bought. So could I have Lemon Coolers instead?


P.S. I already ate the Cafe cookies. Is that a problem?

Howsabout some Monday morning entertainment news?
  • Hey Lovely Bones fans: Yes, a movie will be made of that book, and guess who's making it? A little-known director named Peter Jackson, whom I may have mentioned on this page once or twice in the past. After "Lord of the Rings" and "King Kong," he and his writing partners plan to take the year off relaxing and polishing the "Lovely Bones" script. So the movie won't be out until, say, Christmas 2007 at the earliest.
  • Speaking of Kong, the King Kong DVD comes out tomorrow. If you plan to buy it, be advised that while the DVD does have some extras (a second DVD with some behind-the-scenes stuff), it will not include any extra footage or deleted scenes. Those are being saved for a 3- or 4-DVD set which will be released around Christmas. If you can wait that long.
  • Let's see, "Ocean's Eleven," then "Ocean's Twelve"... Hmmm, what could we call the next one...? You got it, Ocean's Thirteen! The entire cast is coming back, though the leading lady situation is different. Neither Julia Roberts nor Catherine Zeta-Jones is involved (yet, anyway).
  • Upcoming movies: Mission Impossible III (May 5); The Da Vinci Code (May 19); X-Men: The Last Stand (May 26); Cars (the next Pixar movie--June 9); Garfield's A Tale of Two Kitties (June 23); Superman Returns (June 30); Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (July 7); Miami Vice (July 28); Snakes on a Plane (August 18); Casino Royale (new James Bond--November 17); and Charlotte's Web (live-action starring Dakota Fanning--December 20).

    Now that they are home, Happy Anniversary Dad & Lori!!!
    Seen any good movies lately? I have!

    Also, starting tomorrow: "If Cats Ruled the World" week.

    OK, so its been a month since I went to DC. But, the pictures are available on our family picture website. Some I took, others my mom took. Some are hazy, there was either something wrong with her camera, the film or the picture CD she had made when they were developed! Argh! Anyhow, its still pretty cool. Putting the pictures together makes me want to go back already!
    Hey, I just noticed the cool site, thanks. It has my favorite painting, Penelope. I emailed the artist a few months ago asking if he would sell prints of Penelope. He wrote back and said sorry but you can make a print of it from the website. I need to do that.

    Glad to hear Brent's surgery went well. Hope he gets to go home today.

    When do Paul's come home?

    Not sure. They're at sea today, and dock in L.A. either late tonight or sometime tomorrow. Then a plane trip home. --Gary

    Good Bushism, "They want the federal government controlling Social Security like it's some kind of federal program." 2000.
    Brent went into surgery about 11, and was out by 11:45. Talked with the doctor -- he said the gall bladder was pretty bad. He was back in the room about 1, still pretty groggy. Emily, Erika and I just got back from Panera for our supper. I will go back to the hospital and try to get him up walking. If he is able to keep food down he can come home tomorrow.
    Hey, Nelsons, what's the news -- how's Brent? I don't do metric very well, so hadn't properly visualized it until a few minutes ago. But 2.5 centimeters is very close to an inch! Yeesh! That's a trophy gallstone!

    The beautiful snow here is melting like gangbusters. But it's nicely melting into the fields and lawns, not rushing in a stream down the gutters. A very well-behaved snow, this was!

    Check it out Gary...

    Nice; but I've already got him on speed-dial. --Gary

    Ryan, Amanda, Tristen & Teghan

    Happy Birthday Donna!
    I'm telling you, the Gall Bladder is the most pointless organ. It just causes unnecessary pain & stress!

    Word. It is the George Bush of organs. --Gary

    Check out this site. I hope the link works. The Lincoln Journal Star has about a 50 picture montage that scrolls nicely of Lincolnites & their snow creations. It is very cool. So get a cup of coffee or cocoa & just sit back & relax. Very neat!

    Thanks for the link -- some great pictures in there. Yeah, you see snowmen and snow forts and snow sculpture all over town (for the next few days, anyway, before it all melts this weekend). I've never seen a snowfall that cheered people up the way this one has. Usually people are grumbling about the slush and the shoveling and whatever, but when people talk about this snow, it's all smiles. :-) --Gary

    Hopefully the doctors are on the right track this time. Sounds promising -- especially that it's relatively minor. Fingers crossed!

    Final port of call today for the cruisers: Cabo san Lucas!

    Well, Brent is back in the hospital and is to have surgery tomorrow at 10:00. Just has not felt well for the past two weeks -- spent 4 days in the hospital thinking he had a blockage. Even when he came home, still said something was wrong and spent most of the next week going from doctor to doctor to find the answer. Did go the specialist and he said he had an ulcer. But even with the medicine still wasn't doing great. Went back to the doctor on Tuesday afternoon. He told Brent to check into the hospital, get some pain medicine and have more tests. So after our nice relaxing snow day I took him to hospital about 6. Got checked in and on a morphine drip, he was no longer in pain. Went to x-ray on Wednesday morning, and stayed there for 4 hours while they checked everything out. Good news was no blockage, bad news what was it? The surgeon came in later that night and thought maybe it was his gall bladder, something we never even thought about. So this morning at 5:45 he had an ultrasound, the radiologist said "I'm not supposed to tell you this, but you have a gall stone." So about 3 hours later the doctor came to tell him he had a 2 1/2 cm gall stone and it was completely plugged. So they scheduled surgery for 10 tomorrow. Should not be a big deal at all, after all the other surgeries he has had. So we are again relieved and very hopeful that this will take care of a lot of his pain. I'll keep you all posted......
    Not like we all need to read about it, but here it is.
    OK, if I hear one more thing about a cruise ship mishap in the news today, I'm gonna freak! One in the Caribbean & one in Chile. What gives?

    Hadn't heard about the Caribbean one yet, but the thing in Chile I heard this morning. Yeesh! --Gary


    Happy Birthday, Donna!
    Thanks for the birthday wishes. Karen, no box yet but something to look forward to. ;-)
    Anna, you don't sound perky yet. I mailed your card yesterday and now I'm wishing I got you something different--you'll understand once you see it.
    Buh-bye Chicken Little. "I'm a sex symbol now." What the... time for you to go home. I'm starting to like Medusala ;-) (I don't know their names yet) better than Kellie Pickler. But my very favorite is Chris.
    Hey, Hatgidakis's, is your house officially on the market yet?
    Brent, Karen, Emily and Erika

    Happy Birthday Donna :) Did you get our box?
    The cruise ship sailed overnight, and when the passengers wake up this morning they will see Mazatlan out their windows.
    Hey everyone!!! Thank you all for the wishes and cards!!! Donna I am glad to hear that you liked your card! :) I am still not feeling 100%. My reaction is clearing up but my body is still very tired and I can't seem to shake this virus that I have been having. I had a very nice birthday! My Mom, Dad, Sam and I went out to Punch (Gary you know this place, we went there when you were here) it is very good pizza place. Then we came back home and had ice cream cake with Peter and Julie. The weather has been very nice here and they said we have lost an inch of snow with the sunshine. Thanks again you guys!!! :)

    Punch is excellent! --Gary

    Hatgidakis Family

    Happy Birthday Donna!
    So today, after two days at sea, the Mexico cruisers arrive this morning at Puerto Vallarta (1487 miles from Lincoln as the crow flies). They missed the snowstorm, but I guess they're probably having fun too... :-)
    Man, what a perfect day for the kids to have off from school. The temperature here is 30ish, not too cold, and the snow is ideal for playing in. The kids across the street from me are out in the yard making a snow family -- four snow-people, two tall, two short. After a whole winter that felt like a San Francisco summer, we get this one amazing snowfall. I don't know if that evens the balance, but it's very very close. :-)

    Another snow day for me. Oh how I wish I could get the day off when it snows. Gary, I see you now get the entire day off. Congratulations.

    I have to shovel again this afternoon. I think we got more last night than we had during the day. The snow is so heavy, I hope it doesn't do any damage to the trees and bushes. I picked daffodils last Friday and a bunch more were just starting to bud, I hope they survive.

    Erika, I can't believe you were brave enough to walk in a room full of snakes. Do you remember when you were little and we had to call them ballerinas because you didn't even want to hear the word snake?

    Amanda, I didn't see any but I heard that people around here were noticing red spots on their cars--it was dirt from Texas that blew in.

    Woo-hoo! I hadn't heard about UN-L extending the snow day until I read your note. So I checked the UN-L site to make sure. Best Snowstorm Ever! :-) --Gary


    Happy birthday Anna! Your card/gift is still sitting here because I'm out of stamps and snowed in. But you know I never get yours mailed on time. I think it's because there's only one birthday in March that's on my mind. ;-) Hope you like it when you get it, and you know, I have a feeling you will.
    Thanks to you and the rest of your clan for my card and gift. (Yes, I already opened it.) Anna, your note cracked me up. Mylanta, but you're a funnny girl. How are you feeling? I hope you're better by now!!!
    I'm happy to hear Sioux City finally gave a much deserved 'Snow Day.' Sean came about 9:00 last night and cleared the walks and we only got about 2 inches last night. Must say it was a fairy land out there, was light enough to read by. I cleared a narrow path on the deck this morning so Ceaser could see the steps so he could make it down to the yard, I'm sure he was appreciative, he went down right away. At least it isn't bitter cold. Weatherman said we had 13.9 inches last night at 10. Emily, your trip sounds great, I bet you liked the Beach and the ferry ride best? Erika, you had a busy fun day too except I make it a point to not go in rooms full of snakes if I can avoid it. I believe crazy wind sounds worse than the snow. Anna, I hope you are having a fun birthday!
    New photos!

    I'm am so happy this is my first snow day for years. We have 10 inches of snow. Right now our crazy neighbor is snow-blowing the street. Donna my day in Des Moines was fun, we had a lab were we took the D.N.A. out of split peas (We put them in the blender) and we had to go into a big snake room that wasn't to much fun. We also got to watch 2 I-Max movies one was about stars the other was about bugs in the Rain Forrest.
    Ryan, Amanda, Tristen & Teghan

    Happy Birthday Anna!

    Lincoln Public Schools are on "spring" break this week (odd that our first real taste of winter happens on the first days of spring), so Lincoln schoolkids are off anyway. Omaha schools are closed again today, so Donna gets another snow day. And the University has declared it a half-day because of the snow (which is still falling, lightly). I'll try to get in at 1, though I'm waiting for the landlord to send his snow-crew over here to clear the walks and parking lot.

    Snow Day for us!!! SC actually cancelled school!! This is a first in a LONG time!! Is Lincoln back today??

    We get a snow day!!! Just about all the schools around here are closed. Brent will have to go in. We will be out shoveling soon...
    Well it's 9 and I just got a call from the principal, a two hour late start tomorrow, maybe a whole day.......
    Movie Squares answers are up. Thanks for playing, everyone!
    Good luck, Emily. And keep the faith, Erika! The dream has not gone away forever! Still snowing heavily (at 7 pm) here -- in fact, heavier now than any time up to now. And it's supposed to stay that way all through the night and into tomorrow. I'm thinking we might even get two snow days out of this one. It doesn't look all that deep on the webcams, but it's at 10 or 12 inches already.
    Well we are starting to get the snow now! It started coming down pretty heavily about 4, and now lots of things are being closed around here, even my Mayor's Youth meeting was cancelled, and a lot of smaller schools are already announcing late starts and even some cancellations. I hope we get something!!

    Happy 17th Birthday Anna!
    I wish we were having a snow day today too! Only ended up getting around 2-3 inches, but I think we are still expected to get some more tonight.
    Well I know a few people have been asking about my TX trip, so I thought I would expand on my first note a little more. I will try and get pictures in sometime, they have not been cooperating.
    We left from SC around noon on Thursday and got into Houston about 8 on Friday. After we got moved into the center where we were staying we visited the Johnson Space Center. It kind of reminded me of the Children's Museum in Lincoln, only more focused on space and NASA. There was an Imax theater that we got to see as well as a lot of other exhibits and hands on activities. After the JSC we drove about an hour out of Houston to Texas City and from there we took a ferry to Galveston Island. The ferry was a lot of fun, it was about a 30 min. ride and we got to feed the sea gulls, which actually got a little creepy after awhile! After the ferry ride we had a few hours to spend on the beach, which was a lot of fun too. We went out on the piers and went swimming a little bit, and were able to do a lot of shopping! After the beach we went back to the center where we slept, and heard from several NASA officials about their current design and exploration programs, and were told some more about the competiton, and were put into our design goups. We had to design an an orbiting space settlement that would circle Mars. There were 4 groups with about 40 people in each. Then the 40 people in each group were further broken down into 4 more groups that focused on specific aspects of the design. I was in the structural group, we focused mainly on the overall design of the settlement. The next morning we went back to the Johnson Space Center. This time we were working more in the back office type area, which was intresting because we were able to see models of actual space shuttles that were being designed, that most people don't get to see! We worked on our proposals for the settlement ALL day Saturday, starting at 8AM and went into Sunday morning. My smaller group didn't finish until 4AM, and the rest of my group were working right up to the time it was due at 7AM. Then starting at 8 we bagan presenting our proposals to the judges. Each presentation was to be 40 min. with 10 min. of questioning from the judges at the end. So presentations took up most of the morning. But, once presentations were done we were able to tour the old mission control center which was really intresting as well. After that we went back to the center to hear the judges decision. My group didn't win, but we did get some positive comments on it. We then left TX for IA that evening and got back to IA around 2 Monday afternoon. So, it was pretty busy and stressful at times, but it was a fun time!

    Sounds really cool, Emily. Keep your eyes on NASA now -- some years down the road you may see some of your design work on one of the Mars missions! Thanks for your write-up. --Gary

    I just shoveled the drive--that is some heavy snow. It's so pretty, not very cold and no wind, but the snow just keeps coming.
    They've been doing some 'fun' things at work for those that showed up--like a snowball fight. Gee, I wish I would have taken the risk to drive all the way to work just so I could get to play in the snow with my fellow co-workers.
    Amanda, is Coby Brown the guy that sings Curbside Prophet--the song Tristen was singing last summer? I just heard he's got cancer.
    Happy Birthday, Anna!!

    Wow! A memorable first day of Spring, Can't believe all the nice days we had that made me think Winter was over. I feel like I am living in a snow globe, can barely see 'Y' street right now. Ceasar is pretty happy to be staying inside, goes to the door but when he looks out, he changes his mind. Erika, I wish you had a snow day too, can't believe you don't! Did anyone catch the weather channel with Lincoln as the guest city? I hope your Birthday is nice and springy, Anna! A great time to be cruising!

    Yeah, I was watching at that time too. "We were on the Weather Channel!" --Gary

    Congratulations Tristen! I can't believe you sold 843 boxes of cookies!!! That is amazing!

    Erika, I wish you guys were having a snow day today too. How was your trip to Des Moines?
    Yeah, there is an article in the LJS & a few others, which explains the rumors.

    Yep, it's a snow day for me. Sadly, I still have to work though. I'm surprised they cancelled UNL so early. Happy first day of Spring! And it's the third anniversary of the Iraq war. I heard on the news today that Jessica Simpson was a no show at a recent Bush event. Wow, maybe he is in trouble. As Jay Leno said--the only person that knows less than Jessica about the war in Iraq is Bush.
    And Amanda, I also heard there are rumors again that Hagel may run for president. He's in New Hampshire right now.
    Way to go, Tristen, on selling those cookies!

    The UN-L webcam upgraded its technology in a way that I couldn't "steal" the image for our page any more. (There may be a way, but I haven't figured it out yet.) Also, it won't work well, if at all, with dial-up. Anyway, the only way to see that webcam now -- which has moved to the other side of the plaza and is now a live cam, meaning you can watch people walking across the view -- is to go to the UN-L page and clicking the tiny camera image, just to the right of the "360" icon. The webcam will appear as a pop-up, so if you have an aggressive pop-up blocker you may have top disable it temporarily. (On the cam pop-up, click on the links in the upper right to see cams inside the East and City campus Unions.) And if you visit that page today, you'll see a very rare headline: "UNL Closed Due to Winter Storm"! :-)
    Gary, what happened to that UNL webcam? That one was nice for seeing the ground, which I'd like to see for the snow build-up. And, I can't believe today is the first day of spring! We had rain ALL weekend. It was SO nice! They said it wasn't nearly enough to help with drought conditions, but it will give the firefighters a break for a little while.

    Cookie sales are OVER! Thank goodness!! Our troop sold 4692 boxes! We rocked! The troop donated 145 to the troops overseas. And our top seller was (drumroll please) TRISTEN! She sold 843, the highest ever sold in our troop in the 3 years we have been doing this!

    Gary, you are really lucky. We don't have a snow day we never do. Whenever it snows all the millions of little schools around us get out but we never do. We just watch the school closings hopefully, then our dreams go away forever. We were suppose to be getting snow since saturday night and go until tuesday. It snowed last night for about three hours i'm guessing and its already stopped.

    I feel your pain, Erika. It's usually that way here too, but not this time! :-) --Gary


    Snow Day Snow Day Snow Day! When I went to bed last night, we had only an inch or two on the ground and nothing coming down so I expected nothing -- even though everything in this half of the state was listed in the closing announcements (except the University of Nebraska, of course). Lincoln Public Schools are on spring break this week, so they didn't count; but Omaha Public Schools were on the list which I knew meant a snow day for Donna.

    So I woke up for some reason around 3 am (just a few minutes ago) and figured I'd get up to look out the window. And saw nothing; not a single additional flake on the ground or in the air. Nertz! I thought. So I flipped on the TV to see how the weather forecasters were going to talk themselves out of this one. The forecast was basically unchanged: big snow on the way. And then the closings crawl listed UN-L! Woo-hoo! Snow day! I'm turning off the alarm and going back to bed!

    Well it looks like I may be getting a snow day tomorrow. I got online tonight to get some work done and they already sent out a note this afternoon saying if you can't make it in tomorrow to stay warm and safe and stay tuned. Not sure what the 'stay tuned' part means. We don't usually get notes like that. Very odd but it does take the pressure off. My neighbor was already shoveling snow earlier tonight. But it's supposed to be in the 40's by Thursday so it won't last long, whatever we get. And it's been such a pretty snowfall. How nice to be on a cruise right now knowing it's snowing at home.
    We were supposed to be getting snow today and tomorrow, there was even some talk of a possible snow day tomorrow. But, so far we haven't gotten anything.
    Gary, I tried sending in some pictures from my TX trip this afternoon, but I don't think my e-mail was cooperating. Did you ever get anything?

    Sorry, Emily, nothing arrived here. Give it another try...? --Gary

    I guess I'm just waiting for it to turn into something more exciting. It has been snowing since last night, and the weather channel just now said the snow is supposed to continue through Tuesday (that's not Monday, but Tuesday!) morning, but so far the temp is warm enough to keep the streets and sidewalks almost clear, and there's water, not ice, in the potholes. The forecast is still saying that accumulation could get way up there -- 10 to 15 inches they said. But I'll believe it when I see it. Even so, I got ready for a snow day tomorrow: food, movies, etc. Crossing my fingers!

    Meanwhile, the Mexico cruisers drove to the Omaha airport this morning just as the snow was beginning, and by now (late afternoon Sunday) they have arrived in sunny California and have probably boarded the ship. I saw Lindsey and Livy last night when they brought Ceaser over to stay at Grandma's, and they were really looking forward to the trip. I asked what their wake-up time was for their early flight and was told 3:15 am. Oh wait, here's a quick Livy story: We started talking about waking up in general and morning routines, and Lindsey mentioned that she liked a shower in the morning where Livy preferred a morning bath. She said to Livy, "A shower wakes me up, but a bath always relaxes me -- I don't know how you take a bath in the morning." After a pause, Livy said, "Well... I just sit." :-)

    What's up snowbirds? No comments?
    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    Ok, it's a day late, but I couldn't get on yesterday with all of our pop ups! They drive me up the wall, and if I knew how to do that, I would. ;) Gary, I love the pictures of the "if dogs ruled the world" thing, but I didn't get to see the others because my dsl wouldn't hook up. Were they the pictures you showed me that one night at grandmas? WEll I'll be there tonight like around 4, 4 or 5 ish, ya know. Well I'm finally able to get to the internet, and that is very surprising for my computer, no offence.;) Well, talk to you all later!

    Thanks for your Movie Squares answers, Livy. You got 13 right! You missed 1, 2, 5, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 20, and 23. See you later! --Gary

    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    I might have to give the movie squares another look and see if I can figure out the ones I missed.
    I've been really into the March Madness again. I get into every year, I don't know why but I do. So I've been checking scores constantly and I'm not doing too bad with my picks. Anybody else watching any of the games?
    I'm packing everything tonight for the cruise, we leave really early Sunday morning from Omaha, then a lay-over, in Minneapolis actually but only for like 40 minutes, and then to LA where we get on the ship. I think there's internet on the boat so we can keep you posted on what we do!

    We're looking forward to your reports! But don't lose any valuable eating time or recreation time by looking for an internet connection. :-) Have a great time! --Gary

    That game is tougher than it seems! Brent is doing better, but still not great. Went to the hospital yesterday morning for a long series of x-rays. The doctor thought that he had another blockage, which would have meant surgery today. After 2 1/2 hours of x-rays, he talked to the doctor. There wasn't a blockage, but he does have an ulcer. Which is actually good news for us. So no surgery, medication for the ulcer and hopefully once that calms down he should be feeling much better. He did just go to the office for the first time in about 10 days, thought he could make it until noon.
    I dropped Erika off at school at 6:45 this morning. She should be getting close to Des Moines by now. Not expected to get home until 8 tonight -- so it will be a long day for her, but she was looking forward to it.
    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    We have our Corned Beef in the crock pot, can't wait for tonight!
    Score Adjustment: Amanda's actual score is 19, having gotten #7 right. And in a subsequent email, using the hint I gave below, she sent me the correct answer for #20. So it can be done! :-)
    Happy St. Patty's Day!!!

    Okay, I know 16 now and I think I know 23--the one with the sword.
    Karen, how is Brent feeling?
    And Amanda jumps into Movie Squares, with 18 right and the first correct answer to #23! But missing 5, 7, 12, 14, 20, and 22.

    I just noticed everyone has missed #20 so far, but I think nearly everyone has seen it. It has been reviewed twice (hint!) on our reviews page; and it's not "Pirates of the Caribbean"!

    Here are some Movie Squares factoids you can take as either hints or just trivia:
  • #2 and #23 are not the same movie, but they do have an actor in common
  • one actor is pictured, completely or partially, in 3 of the 24 squares
  • another actor is pictured, completely or partially, in 2 of the 24 squares -- in the same row
    Karen just now joined the Movie Squares club, getting a correct score of 17: missing on 1, 10, 13, 14, 20, 22, and 23.
    So far everyone is missing #23, so here's a hint: it is not Excalibur, Gladiator, Lord of the Rings, or Alexander.... And only Erika so far has gotten #16 right, yet I'm sure she's not the only who has seen that movie! :-)
    Erika, bummer about being a bit closer to getting braces. Have fun in DM tomorrow.
    Movie Squares seemed easy in the beginning but it's tough. I think I may have missed a few.
    Paul's, have a great time on the cruise! Olivia, I hope you have fun with the dolphins--what if you end up liking them more than dogs???

    You got 17 right, missing 6, 12, 16, 19, 20, 22, and 23. --Gary

    Amanda, Dad told me the same story and I had a hard time believing but I thought, who knows, Dad listens to some weirds bands, right? :)
    I just finished the movie squares and I think I did alright, one I had no idea and might have struggled on a couple others.

    You got 20 right, Lindsey: you missed 16, 19, 20, and 23. --Gary

    Hmmm, this one might be harder than I thought. Erika got 15 right -- missing 1, 2, 4, 10, 13, 14, 20, 22, and 23.

    It's really hard to know how difficult these things will be. I start out seeing the whole picture, so even after I reduce it down to a small square I still know what the whole picture looks like -- so they all seem too easy to me! :-) On the other hand, even if the small square is easy, if you haven't seen the movie it's almost impossible.... Anyway, have fun.

    Okay, Samantha is the first one to try the new Movie Squares -- with a respectable score! Only missed three (16, 20, 23). Anyone else...?
    You are right Tristen, the bands have much better names nowadays.
    New Movie Squares is up!
    3 Dog Night! I told Tristen the story & she said, that is a weird name for a band!
    What weird band?? Amanda, you didn't trust me?
    Hey, check back later today (Thursday) for a new Movie Squares game. I was going to put it up this weekend, but then realized none of the Mexico-cruisers would get to play if they wanted. So I'll have it ready by mid-morning Thursday. Check, as I said, back!
    Gary, I just saw on the countdown page that you are going to San Francisco. I didn't know that you were going there -- is it for work?
    Brent is still not feeling too well. We've been to two doctors in the last two days. They aren't really sure whats wrong either. So today he is going back to the hospital for a series of x-rays. They think that should tell them where the problem is. He will talk with the doctor after that, so this afternoon we should know a bit more.
    Tomorrow Erika is going to Des Moines for a field trip. Going to a science center.

    Yeah, I'll be in San Francisco for about 6 days in April. It is for work, but I'll have very little to do -- which is nice. I haven't been back there in a long time. I'm also going to New Orleans in August, again for about a week. I'm attending a conference that will be held in the infamous Convention Center. Should be interesting! Feel better, Brent! And have fun in Des Moines, Erika! --Gary

    Hey, my dad told me that amazing fact a LONG time ago. I remember when I was young my dad listened to this real weird band & I asked where the weird name came from & he told me that fact. I thought he was pullin' my leg! But, if it's on the internet, it MUST be true!

    If you don't trust your dad, you can always trust the crawl! For those who don't see it, today's crawl is: "The expression 'three dog night' comes from the Eskimos -- meaning a night so cold you have to bed down with three dogs to keep warm." --Gary

    This is what I was thinking for the super shooter. I have one of these -- LOVE it! I'll use this when I make them...
    I had a good time in Texas, I will write more about it this weekend when I get my pictures back. But we got into Houston about 8 on Friday and toured the Johnson Space Center, then we took a ferry to Galveston and got to go to the beach. That night we were put into our design competiton groups and heard from several speakers from NASA. Saturday morning we went back to the Johnson Space Center and began work on our design proposals, we finished around 5 the next morning. So we were all quite tired going on less that an hour of sleep. Sunday we presented our designs, then while the judges deliberated we got to tour the old mission control area. Then we headed back to Iowa around 5 that evening and got home around noon on Monday. It was a fun time, and I will be sure to post more details when I get my pictures back!
    I don't know but I thought a super shooter was like a cookie press. We were going to use Mom's cookie press but she didn't have a valentine shape.
    Canned chicken is next to the canned tuna.
    I haven't seen much of AI this year, but I'm rooting for Kellie and Chris.
    Can't wait for the next Bourne movie.
    Uh, how did Shatner change the world?
    Emily, wake up and tell us about your trip. ;-)

    Here's a Super Shooter (cookie press). Google to the rescue! --Gary

    Hey, here's an article from the respected U.S. News & World Report you can send to your Republican friends: It details how Bush and the party of "fiscal responsibility" have not only squandered the budget surplus they inherited from President Clinton, but have spent us into an incredibly deep hole of debt -- and they're not done yet. Bottom line, how bad is it? Well, Teghan's grandchildren will still be paying off the debts run up in the past five years -- assuming our economy grows in the double-digits for the next 75 years! (Which of course it won't -- even when the economy was doing great, under Clinton, the growth rate was only around 3%.... So tell that to your Republican friends. Who won't care. Why? Because they got tax breaks!
    Thanks for the recipe Donna. We will try it soon. But, what the heck is a super shooter?

    And, canned chicken? What is that? Like tuna, or something else?

    Anyone watch AI? We hate Bucky!!!!!!! We love Chris, Paris, Taylor & a few others...

    I put in the links to their pictures as I'm not good with all their names yet. But you left out Kellie, who -- along with Chris -- are the two top talents! (In my humble opinion, of course.) --Gary

    Sorry Amanda, she did ask me but I forgot. It's very easy and I'll post it shortly. BTW, you have to have a super shooter otherwise it's extremely time consuming. We used those candy forms and it didn't exactly work. And it calls for flavor/extract but I didn't put any in.

    Linz, I'll add the dip recipe soon, too. ;-)

    All are now on the recipe page. --Gary

    Donna~ can you post that recipe for the mints you guys made at Valentine's time? They were the creamy, soft mints? I told Tristen to ask you to do it then, but I'm not sure that she ever mentioned it to you.
    Anyone for some movie news?
  • Get ready, Bourne fans: The third in the series, titled The Bourne Ultimatum, is in production now. No official release date set, but it will be next year, probably summer. The buzz is this one is bigger, better, and more intense.
  • Have you heard they're making a movie from the '80s TV soap/drama Dallas? It's in the casting stage right now: Shirley MacLaine has signed to play Miss Ellie Ewing; Luke Wilson is likely to play Bobby Ewing; the part of Sue Ellen has been offered to Jennifer Lopez, and John Travolta has been offered the part of J.R.
  • George Lucas is staying busy: There will be a fourth "Indiana Jones" movie with Harrison Ford -- script is being polished now. And just when you thought it was all over, there's more: Lucas is planning a "Star Wars" TV series. Tune in two years from now for that.
  • A remake of the ultimate guy-movie -- 1967's The Dirty Dozen -- is in the early planning stages. No info on casting or release date yet.
  • The 5th "Harry Potter" film -- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix -- is in its fifth week of filming. It will be in the theaters in June of next year.
    Snow in Minneapolis, and fire in Texas -- I guess that's why it has been so pleasant for us, here in the middle. Are you Texas-dwellers seeing a lot of smoke? (Thanks for the reviews, Amanda!)
    Wow Marsha your lucky I haven't had a snow day since 2nd grade, But it sounds like a really nasty storm you had. Yesterday was a busy day for us. First of all dad got out of the hospital, Emily got back from Houston (she will write about it when the pics come back), and I got my tooth pulled out. It went fine, but now sadly theres nothing keeping me from braces. I did watch a little bit of How Willam Shatner Changed the World, but not all of it.
    Boy, Minneapolis did get hid hard if you all had a snow day. You are all much tougher up there than we are. Hope you enjoyed it :)
    We had a much better day here yesterday. Brent was to have stayed until today, but the second doctor came in and said he could go and we didn't argue. It was a busy day for me -- took Erika to the dentist -- she did great. Felt a little pain, but it's done. While I'll was waiting both Emily and Brent called to say they were ready to come home. So I dropped Erika home (drooling), went to get Emily, then back to the hospital for Brent. So by 2 we were all home. Emily had a great time, but we haven't heard a lot of details. She got very little sleep while there. She had started to unpack and must have fallen asleep, she was half on the bed and half on the floor, we didn't see her for the rest of the day. I think she will be home today. Brent is getting along pretty well, he slept most of the day too, and will home today. We watched part of the William Shanter show (in between nurses coming in), it was interesting.

    We finally got a Snow Day! It started snowing and blowing last night and right on through today and we have about 10 inches on the ground. The trees are laden with it. Anna's school closed and Sam and I stayed home, even Zach's restaurant closed for the weather. 120 city buses were out of commission and a light rail line had problems with a snowbank. 60,000 homes were without power, but tonight it is down to 5,000 (not us, thankfully). I heard also that there were about 285 auto accidents too. Hope Brent is feeling better. We are all curious about Emily's trip -- sounds like a really great experience. How was your trip to the dentist Erika? Did anybody watch "How William Shatner Changed the World" on the History Channel? Great show and it's running again this week.

    I saw the Shatner show -- great stuff! It's playing again Thursday night at 7 and again at 11. Yeah, your storm was getting big play on the news here; wow! Glad you've got power and heat so you can enjoy it. --Gary

    I am ready for another Movie Squares game -- it was fun! Went to see Brent this morning. Looks like he will be there another day at least. Now the doctors think he has an infection (even tho Brent has told them that since we went to ER). So they have to treat that and see if he can tolerate foods. He did get a breakfast this morning, so we will wait some more. We got about 2 inches of snow with 1 inch of ice underneath. So the roads were a bit slick this morning.
    I'm just now hearing about all the wild weather yesterday. Over 100 tornados! Wow! Here in Lincoln we got a few handfuls of pea-sized hail, but that was it.

    I just now put up the answers to the Movie Squares game, if anyone had any they couldn't figure out. Hope y'all enjoyed the game. Anyone for a Round #2...?

    Brent and Emily should both be home by afternoon. Talked to Emily last night about 7, she was on the bus. She sounded exhausted!! I'm sure she will have lots to tell everyone once she rests up. Brent should also come home today. The blockage seemed to clear yesterday morning, but thinks he does have an infection. So he was able to "eat" last night. His favorites -- broth, jello, and a popsickle. Erika and I thought we needed a treat yesterday and we went out to a new resturant. It's right on the river and a great view. We went mid-afternoon and were the only ones there. So we got special treatment. The food was great and we were starved. Erika and I have today off, snow day that we didn't use. (Although we got snow last night and lots of other schools are closed today.) Erika has to go to the dentist this morning, and have a baby tooth pulled. So another busy day for me, but we should be soon returning to normal.

    Boy, what a week you all have had! You all deserve a "snow day" and a treat, at least! --Gary

    Thanks for the reviews, Erika. I always take your advice on movies to avoid!
    Hey everyone! Thanks Amanda for telling me for the bowling thing, you know what I mean. I couldn't get that last movie square, but then tonight Gary told all of us what it was. I so wouldn't have gotten that. We also brought over Ceaser boy. Today Linz, my mom and me, we all went to like Kohls, Gordmans, Target, and the mall looking for clothes and stuff. Well gotta go, talk to you all later!!!

    #24, for those who don't know -- and until a little while ago, that was everybody! -- is Singin' in the Rain. Rent it! You'll thank me! :-) --Gary

    Brent is in the hospital, has been since Thursday night. Looking like he will be there at least one more day. One of his doctors came in this morning, said to just wait to see if does it on it's own. Still just on ice chips (although she did say I could try to smuggle in a popsickle). He will have to stay in the hospital until he is able to digest food, so will need to wait and eat and then wait some more.
    Surgeon still needs to talk to him and see what he says.
    Erika and I went shopping a bit this afternoon, and then out for lunch. Now we are about to go back to the hospital.
    Or Olivia, hit the Control key & F at the same time & then type in bowling, or type in Olivia! (Ryan taught me about this little feature, its fun to use on all websites! Saves a lot of time in searching for things!)

    You can also click on Edit in the menu bar above, then click on Find for the same thing. Very useful! --Gary

    Hey everyone! Gary, did you get my movie squares yet? I entered it. Just wondering, because I didn't know if it didn't send through because I was in kind of a rush there. I forgot, did I ever tell you guys how my bowling day went Tuesday? Because if I did already tell you, I didn't want to tell it over again. Well gotta go, talk to you all later!!!!!

    I did get it, Livy. Count down 4 notes from this one and read it! :-) And you also told us a little about your bowling day: count down 14 notes and read that. --Gary

    So, is Brent still in the hospital, or is he home? Hope he feels better.
    Not much new here. Spring Break started for Tristen! We got her TAKS results yesterday. She only missed one out of 36 questions, so that means she got a "commended" status. Commended is the highest performance level set by the Board of Education. It means she performed well above the passing level. So, we are very proud of her. She felt very good about it. Now, in a few weeks she goes through the same drill for math, and she is NOT looking forward to it. With the last TAKS it was reading & she was very confident because she always did well on her homework and in class work. But math is a different story. She doesn't like to show her work, which apparently is a big no no on the TAKS. So, we will see how it goes. But for now we are enjoying the Commended reading TAKS score!

    Teghan wants to be a Girl Scout & sell cookies SO bad, its unreal. She helps a lot. Everytime I have to go get more cookies from the warehouse Teghan helps unload every single case out of the back of the truck. She also saw some horses the other day here in town & now all she can talk about is wanting horses. She wants three and one will be named Princess. She actually for some reason thinks Grandpa Paul should get some & she can take care of them.

    Not much of a change in Brent. Doctors wanted him to have "gut-rest" for 24 hours and see if things worked out on their own. Not in too much pain, just uncomfortable. So now we are waiting to see the doctors today and hear what they want to do next. Talked to Emily a couple of times yesterday -- seems to be having a great time.
    Okay, Anna has joined the Movie Squares club, and turned in a perfect score! Except for the evil #24, which is ruining everyone's day. I will reveal the name of that movie at the end of the game. But I will say at this time that it's a well-known movie (though an older one) and one you should see if you haven't. It's one of my favorites.

    Hey Nelsons, how's Brent doing?

    Livy, thanks for playing Movie Squares. You got them all right! (Except for #24.) Hey, be sure to check the webpage next week. The theme all week is "If dogs ruled the world..." I think you will like it! :-)

    Hey, right now Emily is getting ready to have dinner on the beach at Galveston!

    Today's picture put me in mind of last summer, so I've been reading the old newsletters from July and August. Lots of funny stuff there! When you have some time, take a trip down memory lane. :-)
    Wow, a trip to the emergency room is always fun.... Hope Brent is on the mend now, and will recuperate over the weekend. I'm typing this a little past 8 in the morning, so I would guess Emily is very near Houston -- if she hasn't already arrived. Here is her schedule of events again, for anyone who may have missed it when I posted it last month.

    Thank you, Tristen, for playing the Movie Squares game. I got your answers last night. Everybody is stumped by the very last one; I knew that was going to be a hard one, but I put it in anyway -- so it doesn't really count. Tristen did great! Only missed one -- the one with the white cat. (#11 -- I've now numbered them.) If you take another look at it, Tristen, I bet you would get it!

    Erika and Lindsey are the record-holders so far: All correct except for #24. Emily might want to take another look at #s 15 and 21 (and 24) -- though I imagine she might have more interesting things to do at the moment. Amanda should consult with Tristen on #21. Karen missed a perfect score because of #s 2, 6, 14, 22, and 24. And our Mystery Guest (or should that be Mystery Guesser) missed #s 2, 6, 8, 13, 14, 16, 21, 22, 23, and 24 in addition to leaving off their name.

    Well our week-end is off to a great start! I took Brent to the emergency room about 6 tonight. He hasn't been feeling great for about two weeks. Took today off and called the doctor for some meds. I got home about 3 and he wasn't much improved. Decided that if he wasn't better by 8 we would go to the hospital. About 5:30 he started to throw up -- which is always a big alert to us to get to the hospital. So we headed up there. Took a couple of x-rays and ran a few tests. Doctor found a blockage -- gave him morphine and said to wait 24 hours to see if works its way out -- otherwise we will have to call the surgeon. I just left him (about 9:30) and he was feeling less pain and tired. So hopefully he will be able to sleep and not be needing surgery this time. Called Emily, and she is still on the bus -- heading through Kansas (somewhere -- she had no idea where). Sounded like she was having a great time -- only 12 more hours of bussing....
    No school for me today! State Basketball Tournament is in town and they use East gyms so we don't have school today. I've had a really easy week this week though anyways due to testing. Tuesday was from 10:30-2:30 and Wednesday 9:40-1:45 so not complaining about this week. One more week and then Spring Break!
    Nope, Tristen is at school.
    Hey, someone just now sent in their Movie Squares answers, but there was no name on it. Was it you? It arrived around 9:30 am today (Thursday). ...Tristen, maybe...?
    Have a great time, Emily! Looking forward to your stories when you get back.

    And have fun today, Erika! I always liked that custom of local schools choosing an out-of-town team to cheer for. Be sure to make your parents treat you special next week. With Emily getting a trip to Houston and you getting a trip to the dentist, you ought to be able to really make that work for you! :-)

    Even though the Movie Squares game is just for fun -- no prizes, no winners (though I will post the scores later) -- I will say that Erika and Lindsey have done the best job so far: only missed one (the one at the end, which no one has gotten right yet!)

    I like that game Gary -- I think I knew most of them. Emily is off to Houston today. Brent isn't feeling well and took the day off -- so he will pick her up at school and drop her off at the bus. They leave at 1 and will be on the bus for the next 18 hours!! She is really excited about it. Erika is going to a NAIA basketball game this morning. The schools usually each pick a team and then they get to go to a game and cheer for the out-of-town teams. So she should have a fun day. She and I both get Monday off since we didn't have any snow days this year. Monday won't be as fun for Erika, she went to the orthodontist last week. She has a stubborn baby tooth that needs to come out before she can get her braces on. So on Monday she has to have it pulled. Not happy that Emily will be off in Houston having all kinds of fun and she will home going to the dentist and getting a tooth pulled! So I think she and I will try to do some fun things this week-end. Been a busy week at my school -- Lutheran Schools Week. Been something new everyday. Tomorrow everyone gets to wear pjs and watch movies -- so it should be an easy day for me.
    Just played the new game and I'm thinking I like it better than the Oscars :) I actually knew most of them!

    Glad you like it! Think of this one as a warm-up. I made this one with Tristen in mind, after she had a tough time with the Oscars. (Though, come to think of it, her score and my score were not that different...!) Anyway, this one -- except maybe for the very last square?? -- should be more "accessible" to younger viewers. :-) --Gary

    Hey everyone! Yesturday I went bowling at Hollywood and I got a 91. I was one of the top people who got a score like that. I was racing this one kid named Austin, it was fun. We were like singing really stupid and weird songs on the way back, I don't know why, it was just fun I guess. Well I have to go, talk to you all later!!!
    Emily, have fun in Houston. Can't wait to hear all about it.

    Tristen, what are you doing for Spring break?

    Anybody here remember when we had a thing called the Bill of Rights? Ten amendments to the Constitution designed to "prevent abuse of [government] powers"? It has taken Bush and his fellow-criminals only five years or so to trash almost all of them. Freedom of speech? Gone. Freedom of the press? Gone. Freedom from illegal search and seizure? Gone. Separation of church and state? Gone. Right to bear arms? Oh wait, that one we've still got.

    Yes, seeing the work of the Founding Fathers dissolve before my eyes is making me a little grumpy today. So how about playing a fun game? (Thanks for the link, John!)

    What a great cover for TIME! I like the Bush guilty plea also. Nice work Gary!

    Thanks, Sean. I think you're probably taller than Trump, not shorter, but fixing that would have been quite a bit more work! --Gary

    I thought we got rid of 17 & under too, but I guess we just did that for Christmas gifts... Emily, have fun in Houston. Remember, Texas 80's is different than the northern states of Nebraska & Iowa. OMG is it hot here. It's official, we had no spring. Jeans a few weeks ago & Teghan wore shorts, a t-shirt & crocs today. 80's/90's & HOT! Argh!!! Polar Ice caps melting, I'm telling you that one movie about the wierd weather is coming true. Bet the writer of that movie is sitting back saying "I told you so."
    Donna, I can't think of the title of that movie but I saw it a few years ago, I really liked it too.
    Gotta tell you a Livy story (she gave me permission) that happened on Oscar night. Livy was already at Grandma's when I arrived, and when she saw me she said, "Hey, did you get a haircut?" "No," I said, telling my little joke, "I got them all cut." Ha-ha. We all laughed, Livy laughed and said "I get it!" Then a few minutes went by; and she asked, "What is 'the mall cut'?" :-) When I asked if I could put that story on this page she said okay, but to "tell them I did get it eventually."

    Also, congratulations to Livy, for being the only one who picked the Best Picture!

    Hey Donna you should put that dip recipe on the recipe webpage that you made Sunday night. That was really good!
    Congrats Donna on also winning the Oscar and remember, it's hard out here for a pimp! But it just got a little easier...:) That was a fun night and that song WILL get stuck in your head!

    Lindsey (and Donna), I added the Oscar hand-over date to the countdown page. And hey Lindsey, thanks for the reviews! --Gary

    I watched most of the Oscars, but wasn't keeping track. I did think I would have gotten more than 5 right! I thought we already did get rid of the 17 and under category. But I guess it doesn't really matter for me, since I will be 18 for the next Oscars!
    I do leave for Texas on Thursay, we have to go to school for 1st through 4th periods, then leave by one. We did lots of shopping this weekend and I am starting to pack, so I should be all set for the trip! And, I will be sure to send in a report and pictures when I get back! It is supposed to be in the 80s on Friday which is our free day to go to the beach, so it should be a nice day!!
    Congrats to the Oscar Winners!!!
    Liked the fake picture today, sadly I had ordered a new car before I realized it was a fake.
    That Simpson intro is cute.
    There have been a lot of celebrity deaths lately--Don Knotts, Dennis Weaver, Darren McGavin and today along with Reeves, I heard that Kirby Puckett died.
    Amanda, I enjoyed seeing the picture of the woman's suffrage monument. I just saw a movie about the suffrage movement--with Hillary Swank and Angelica Huston. Pretty good movie. Sad to say I had no idea all they went through. What an amazing story.
    Just how many boxes of cookies did your troop sell? Your garage looks full. That's a lot of work!
    Gary, in the Oscar wrap up you keep mentioning Samantha. Why? She is not in the under 17 crowd. I vote for no more under 17 crowd. Those under 17 watch more movies than I do! I have more of a handicap than them. So let's make it a "Movie Nerd" category (perhaps-- you watch at least one movie a week) to the "Movie Challenged" category (say, you are lucky to watch one movie a month)!

    Egad, you're right about Sam! I see what I did: About halfway through the scoring, I mistakenly included her with the 17-and-unders as her score was identical to Lindsey's at that point. Anyway, I have re-written the 2006 Oscar results to reflect this. Sorry, everybody! As to your new categories: Nice idea, but... Our 17-year cut-off is purely legal, to protect me from lawsuits. :-) There are many movies that the 17-and-unders can't go to; when we older-than-17s don't see them, it's because we choose not to. Anyway, I've got a new movie game starting Thursday where the under-17s may very well outshine the over-17s. Be there! Aloha! --Gary

    Oscar results are up!
    I don't know if this link will work or not, but it's to a real life Simpsons intro scene. It's pretty good!

    You will need at least Internet Explorer 6, Media Player 10, and Macromedia Flash 7 for it to work. If you have all of the above, enjoy! --Gary

    Sad news about Dana Reeve.
    Wow, what a strange looking picture--not the one I was expecting for the fake photo. I guess it could be worse, you could have put my head on one of the guys from the group that sings my favorite song, 'It's hard out here for a pimp.' Very catchy tune...

    Yeah, no matter how I fiddled with it, it looked a I finally came to the conclusion that Renee Zellweger has weird shoulders and arms. --Gary

    Amanda, I have enjoyed reading your account of your trip, it sounds like it was fun, too bad it was so cold. I bet there is a ton of stuff you would like to go back and see. So, now Emily, we will be awaiting your report, you leave on Thurs., right? Did you find a swimming suit? Hope it won't be too hot while you are there, but you will be to busy to notice.
    Congratulations to the Oscar winners! I did dismally bad with my guesses.
    Whose body does Donna's head belong to?

    Okay, out of context that's probably the weirdest sentence ever to appear on these pages. But the answer is: Renee Zellweger. --Gary

    Be sure to go to our picture site. There are some new ones. There are a few from DC, the rest will come a bit later when I get copies of my moms pictures. And there are some cute cookie ones too!
    Well, my DC trip conclusion...
    Tuesday-- my mom had meetings all day with Representatives Fortenberry & Osborne & Senators Nelson & Hagel. I was welcome to come, but I still hadn't visited the 3rd branch of government. So, I left the hotel on my own, rode the shuttle to the Metro and got on an EXTREMELY packed Metro train. The train stopped many times while underground in a tunnel. Freaky! It even stopped once while under the Potomac! I was not loving it. I almost got off at one station (the Pentagon) to just sit & wait for the crowds to disperse, but I held out. Anyhow, finally got to Union Station where I walked about 6 blocks to the Supreme Court. The information I had read told me to get there at 9:30 because lines formed then to view cases at 10. Well, there was already a hefty line going. But, I figured out later, it's because Anna Nicole Smith was having her case heard at 11:00. So, long story short I waited in line for 2 hours, by myself, in the cold for a 5 minute seat in the WAY back of the Supreme Court. I wouldn't say it was a total waste of time, but it was pretty close. After that I was pretty crabby (stupid people in line who idolize Anna Nicole Smith can make a person lose it a bit) so I almost went back the hotel for the day. But, I met up with my mom & the other people from Nebraska & went to lunch & then did a little souvenir shopping. I went with them to Senator Hagel's office, though I didn't meet him as I waited in the front office. I did talk to someone I worked with in the Lincoln office, so that was nice. I just was not in the mood to meet with him, plus I was in jeans & had major windblown face & hair.

    Wednesday-- packed up & caught my flight! Nothing major to speak of this day! I was glad to come home! This concludes my trip. I can't wait to go back. I can't wait to go with Tristen & Ryan either. Ryan has been, but it was just like London, where he had like 8 hours to drive by & run up to stuff.

    Thanks for doing these write-ups, Amanda. What a great trip! --Gary

    Well done Donna and Lindsey, this year's Oscar winners! They were both ahead of the pack pretty much all night. (Full results will be on our Oscar page soon.) Congratulations also to Olivia for being the only one to correctly predict the main award, Best Picture!
    Hey everyone! Sorry Gary, we were kind of bored, also it was hailing a lot last night and we got kind of freaked out because we were just in the computer room and then like at 2:30 in the morning we were just sitting here on neopets and we got freaked out (neopets is a site on the computer). Gary did you hear it? All morning we were trying to find the Cha Cha Slide by Casper. I dance to that during gym at school and I'm trying to teach it to Kylie. WEll I gotta go, talk to you all later!!!

    I did hear it, Livy -- I got up to watch it too. Very loud, with lots of thunder and lightning! Have fun with the Cha Cha Slide! --Gary

    Hey everyone! I saw the Erika pictures with Napolian Dynamite, they were flippin' sweet. I also liked mine a lot too. I didn't get loaded down with homework as much, but I did get some, obviously. Well not much news, but my friend Kylie spent the night and well we didn't really know that we would be sending this so early in the morning/night. WE were on the computer a long time, and Kylie flipped over on a chair, we laughed. She makes me laugh, never makes me cry, but always makes me wonder why???!!! ;) I get to go bowling 2 days after tomorrow. Well I guess I will talk to you all later!

    Yeah, Livy, this note arrived at 2:35 am!!! Hey, I thought you were going bowling last Friday. Be sure to tell us about it when you do go. Oh, P.S., Amanda: Thanks for the Bush card! It arrived a couple of days ago. It's horrible! :-) --Gary

    Well, Grandma we were going to come up tomorrow to watch the Oscars at your house, but we were looking forward to the gold dusted Oscar chocolates, so I'm afraid we will have to back out now.

    We got the Oscar ballot too. Though, since Ryan didn't do it I dont know that we will watch that much. Especially if Desperate Housewives & Grey's Anatomy is on. Ryan got on to fill it out the morning you took it off.. Oh well.

    The scoresheets had already been printed off and mailed out by the time I took the page down. (Before I took it down I even called Ryan to remind him and waited an extra day -- and that was after daily reminders on the newsletter for the final week.) Sorry you missed it, Ryan, but I had to mail the sheets when I did to make sure everyone got them in time. --Gary

    Great Bushism: "I'm the master of low expectations." Aboard Air Force One, June 4, 2003. And, "Will the highways on the Internet become more few?" January 29, 2000.
    To Whom It May Concern:
    I may have to make a few substitutions in the menu, several of my "sou chefs" are unable to make it and my smoked salmon and caviar suppliers are not able to supply me. Other than that, I thought we might like cookies better than the chocolate (dusted with gold) oscars. The Gift Bags seem to be lost in the mail too. Hope you all can make it!!
    Excellent. Glad they arrived, Emily; good luck to everybody.

    To really get in the spirit of the Oscars this Sunday, you should all do what Grandma's going to do: She's preparing a meal with all the same dishes that Wolfgang Puck will be serving at the Oscar dinner -- spicy tuna tartare in a sesame miso cone, smoked salmon pizza with dill creme fraiche and caviar, citrus-marinated shrimp, green and white asparagus with prosciutto, marinated baby artichokes with lemon aioli and a smoked salmon Oscar matza with caviar, hot soup of celery root and apple with real 24-carat gold dusted on top, organic chicken with risotto made with black truffles; and for dessert, little bittersweet chocolate Oscars covered with gold dust. She's also giving everyone a "goodie bag" just like the winners will get, full of gifts totalling over $55,000. Should be fun!

    Gary, we got our Oscar sheets this afternoon, we're all looking forward to Sunday!
    I love the fake photos for today! Makes me laugh every time I see them :) Also enjoying hearing about the Washington trip -- very interesting. Emily is getting ready for her trip. Have to shop for a swimming suit and shorts this week-end. Been a pretty slow week for us, just work and school.
    OK, So Sunday-- we did a little less this day as we were exhausted from the last 2 days & my mom had some meetings on this day. But, we did venture out to Ford's Theater where President Lincoln was shot. It is a very unassuming place, you could very easily miss it as you walk by it on the street. And when you go in it is not an entire tribute to our 16th President. But, then you go inside the still working theater & to the right of the stage is a balcony box shrouded in an old flag, a picture of George Washington (that was there the night Lincoln died), and other flags. You got the feeling the entire theater was old, but you got the distinct feeling that section had been frozen in time. What made it feel even more strange for us was that there were people working on the stage while we were there, so we viewed the scene of a terrible American story with hammers, drills & yelling going on right next to us. The theater is very small, and it tells you how life has changed, today our Presidents wouldn't go to ANYthing like this theater. Also, we almost missed the museum that is downstairs. It holds some things from that fateful night, like the jacket Lincoln was wearing & the door to the balcony box. Then we went across the street to the Peterson House where 5 minutes is all you need to walk through the tiny boarding house where Lincoln was taken & died on the next day--Good Friday, April 14th. (This year Good Friday falls on April 14th.) The actual bed he died in is not in this house, it is in Illinois, but it felt very real. Then we went & ate at the Hard Rock Cafe which is right next to the Ford's Theater. While we were there we watched a middle aged man dance to nearly every song, and I mean dance! He was by the bar just rocking out. It was funny, so we asked our waitress if they hire him for entertainment. She said he was a customer, and urban legend of sorts. He works for the FBI which is right across the street and has been coming to the Hard Rock for years to unwind. He has a highly stressful job & is extremely intelligent, so dancing at the Hard Rock is his de-stressor. They even have a Hard Rock pin made of him. It was a riot. Then we walked to see the FBI building, a very unassuming place that is not open for tours anytime in the near future. This is just how DC is though, everywhere you turn there is some meaningful place. Across the street from the FBI is the US Justice Department, and across from it is the Internal Revenue Service.

    Monday-- We got up & headed out to catch a Tourmobile! First it took us to Arlington Cemetary where we visited the Kennedy graves & then went to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in time for a changing of the guard ceremony. It was unforgettable. It was freezing cold that morning & it is up high on a hill, and just about the time the ceremony started a light snow fell. The snow stopped shortly after. Then we visited Arlington House which I never knew existed & has a great story behind it. We drove by the Lincoln Memorial which is under heavy construction, the Jefferson Memorial, the new FDR memorial, the WW2, Korean War & Vietnam Memorial. We didn't get out at each stop, as we were sure we would come back to visit them in person later that day (which of course, we didn't! We ran out of time!) But, we went to Union Station for a little lunch & hot drinks to warm us up. Then we headed back onto the Tourmobile to head to the Washington Monument. We secured tickets to ride to the top. This was amazing. I have a little fear of elevators, cramped spaces & heights, so I was a little concerned. But, the elevator was the most secure feeling one I have ever been in, it only took us 70 seconds to ride up the 555 5/8 feet & the Park Ranger talked the whole time telling us the story of its building. Then once you are on top you forget it all because the views are amazing. If you ever go to DC, you have to do this! As we got to the Washington Monument a US Air Force helicopter flew by very low & very close to the monument, and guess where it landed? On the ellipse at the White House right next to us! We wondered who it was??? Then we headed back to the hotel where we met up with some Veteran's my mom works with from North Carolina & we went out to eat at Legal Seafood. It was excellent. Oh, one other night we went to a family owned Greek restaraunt. It was SO good!! Makes me want some spanakopita!

    And, that's enough for now! Tuesday & Wednesday, my last days will some soon! (But they were the most uneventful & I was exhausted!)

    Looking forward to the next installment, Amanda -- excellent-sounding trip.

    Have fun bowling today, Livy!

    Amanda, sounds like you had a great trip. Did you take any pictures?
    This reminds me, I talked to Tristen a few days ago and she said, 'do you want Teghan to tell you who her favorite presidents are?' Teghan got on the phone and said 'Garfield and Madison.' Tristen said she chose Garfield because she likes Garfield the cat and Madison because it's a girl's name. ;-)
    Well, I would have preferred to do commentary from DC, but the internet was expensive from our hotel! So, I am on the computer for the first time in a week here. I am still tired & achy from walking & the extreme cold! But here goes:

    Friday-- we got up & went to the Holocaust Museum and that was a worthwhile visit. We were there for about 2 or 3 hours & could have spent more time there. Some of the most moving parts were when you walked through one of the train cars used to transport people, and then the room full of shoes. It was a room half the size of my house that had shoes from the deceased that came up to your calves. It gave me the chills. When we were done there we headed to the Dirksen Senate building where we grabbed lunch in a basement cafe. At 3 we headed up to Senator Hagel's office where one of the staffers showed me around a little bit (Senator Hagel was in Nebraska) and then an intern took us down into the basement & we rode the "Senate staff & Senators only" underground rail car that took us to the basement of the capitol through one of the many underground tunnels. We had an hour long tour of the capitol, which included the old Supreme Court room, the old House of Representatives room (the whisper room), the Rotunda -- which was amazing, and the room under the rotunda which includes the spot on the floor that is the absolute center of DC. We also got gallery passes to see the House of Representatives. That was amazing to me to see the room where the State of the Union address is held & to think of how many important people had been there before. Also amazing to me were the paintings throughout the capital on the walls & ceilings that were done my Brumaldi -- I never knew it all existed.

    Saturday-- Up early & out to the White House. It was a COLD morning on this day & we had a few blocks to walk. We, for some reason, got put at the head of the line when we told the Secret Service guys we had a congressionally arranged tour, so we felt pretty important. We got to tour the Library, Vermeil Room, and the Diplomatic Reception room. Then we went upstairs to the East Room, Green Room, Blue Room, Red Room, State Dining Room & the Cross & Entrance Halls & out the front doors. It was very impressive. It was neat to see rooms that we have seen before on TV & in pictures (East Room & State Dining Room mainly). The Blue Room was by far my favorite. (If you go to the website I have here & click on each room you can see a real picture of the room.) This wasn't a guided tour & there was Secret Service in each room & they aren't the most friendly and talkative, so a visit to the White House Visitors Center (which is about a block away) before or after the actual tour is very helpful. One thing that shocked me a bit is how close everything is. The Treasury Building is not but 50 yards away from the East side of the White House. I guess in pictures the White House seems secluded a bit, but it is not. After this tour we went to the National Archives and it was very cool. Right away you see the Magna Carta which is AMAZING. Of course, my latin is shaky but it was still phenomenal to see an 800 year old document (that was signed in Runnymede, England--WHICH I'VE BEEN TO, extra cool!) that laid the foundation for democracy. Then the rotunda which holds the Charters of Freedom was an awesome experience. Then that afternoon I headed to the Smithsonian Museum of American History where I spent a few hours looking at the First Ladies dresses, a huge exhibit on the presidents, some fun stuff like the Seinfeld puffy shirt & Dorothy's red slippers. Also there was the Star Spangled Banner which is being refurbished & you can see the room with the famous flag laid out being worked on. It is the flag that inspired Francis Scott Key's famous tune. It was awesome, the room it was in was almost the size of my house! But, one of the most breathtaking things here was the entrance where they have hanging the American flag that was draped over the damaged Pentagon on September 12, 2001. It was chilling. You can't imagine it unless you see it. Of course, that's how all this stuff is in this city!

    Anyhow, that concludes this commentary. I have typed enough for now. I will pick up with Sunday at a later time!

    Welcome back Amanda, hope you had great time.
    I'm home in one piece, but EXTREMELY tired! I will write more tomorrow!

    Welcome back! --Gary

    Gary, can I write a note in your diary? I hadn't heard that about Geico but I do like their commercials--you know with the cute British talking gecko? Darn it. Why would they do this? Is it because they only want affluent customers? When did it become a crime to be poor?

    I don't know what their thinking is, aside from it being a general Republican strategy to excuse the rich from paying anything and require the poor to pay for everything. Why shouldn't the same apply to insurance...? --Gary

    I guess Bush won't be sittin' on Trent Lott's porch any time soon... :-)
    Dear Diary,
    Today I.....

    Oooops! I guess I thought for a minute this was my own private page. :-) Okay, the Oscar race is all over (except for the part where they open up all those envelopes and read the names). I put together the scoresheets and mailed them off today to you out-of-towners. They should all arrive by Saturday. The only iffy one, said the postal person, was Texas. So if you Iowa Parkers don't receive yours in Saturday's mail, let me know and I'll email the list to you. It won't be as convenient to use, but at least you'll be able to play along. By the way, anyone who happens to be in Lincoln on Oscar night is invited over to Grandma's to watch the festivities on the big-screen!

    February was Sweeps Month, when all the television stations are closely tracked to see how many people are watching, and some interesting results emerged. One, Fox "News" was down overall and MSNBC up overall; but especially interesting was the 7 o'clock slot, when the swinish Bill O'Reilly is on opposite Keith Olbermann's program. From this time a year ago, O'Reilly's viewership is down 21%, while Olbermann's is up 55%. Are people coming to their senses at last...? :-)

    Anyone out there insured by Geico (like me, at the moment)? I learned several months ago that Geico is a "red" company, meaning they invest in and donate to right-wing Republican causes, which was enough to make me decide to switch to another insurer (like Progressive, a "blue" company which invests in Democratically-backed companies and causes) when my policy runs out. But just today I learned this about Geico: They use your education and job status to figure out how much to charge. In short, blue-collar workers and those with less formal education pay more. For example, a 30-year-old single male would pay $1,686 a year if he is a lawyer with a master's degree. But the same man living at the same address, driving the same car and having the same coverage would pay $2,880 if he reported being a janitor with only a high school degree. This stinks. And it is being investigated right now by two Democratic senators who are drafting a bill to ban this practice. Bottom line: That number is 1-800-PROGRESSIVE.